Monday, Nov. 22, 1999
By Harriet Barovick, Val Castronovo, Mitchell Frank, Tam Gray, Desa Philadelphia, Julie Rawe, Hope Reeves, Chris Taylor and Owen Thomas
CAROL MOSELEY-BRAUN Former Senator wins New Zealand ambassadorship. Now, no more cavorting with dictators
YOUR UPS PERSON Men in Brown are Internet hipsters. UPS launches killer IPO, thanks to e-commerce deliveries
ANNIE Musical wins TV ratings. Cultural barometer: Warbucks takes black wife; no one cares
PAT BUCHANAN Asks lefty, perennial loser Lenora Fulani to co-chair campaign. Was McGovern booked?
HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON West Bank visit offends Israelis and Palestinians. C'mon, do Belfast, and go 4 for 4
LEPRECHAUNS NBC bombs with ratings gambit. That, and they're after me Lucky Charms