Monday, Aug. 09, 1999
By Melissa August, Michelle Derrow, Tam Gray, Daniel S. Levy, Lina Lofaro and David Spitz
GENE SPERLING Antistud economic adviser is named D.C.'s hottest bachelor. What if Al D'Amato moves back?
JOHN HINCKLEY Feds will allow him free time from the asylum--but only supervised day trips
PRINCE WILLIAM Passes driving test, gets VW from Dad roomy enough to make out with the Ladies
LINDA TRIPP Indicted for wiretapping her ex-friend. Should have read that Ya Ya Sisterhood book
GENERATION Y Burned and pillaged Woodstock '99, giving boomers one more thing to be smug about
JAGGER BABY Mick admits paternity but probably won't stick around to finish a game of Pokemon