Monday, Aug. 02, 1999

At Your Service


Joseph and Rose Kennedy 1888-1969, 1890-1995 --The driving force of Kennedy ambition, Joe worked tirelessly to promote his sons' political careers. Rose imbued both her children and grandchildren with a strong sense of family and social responsibility


The Kennedy men entered politics, while the women founded philanthropies

John F. Kennedy 1917-1963 --Congressman, Senator, President and political martyr, he created the Peace Corps --Wife Jackie supported the arts but is best remembered for helping save New York City's Grand Central Terminal from the wrecking ball

Eunice Kennedy Shriver 1921- --A social worker in Harlem during the '40s, she runs the Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. Foundation, which helps the mentally retarded. She founded the Special Olympics and is credited with its success --Husband Sargent Shriver headed the Peace Corps. In 1972 he was George McGovern's running mate

Patricia Kennedy Lawford 1924- --Known primarily as a socialite, she also founded the National Committee for the Literary Arts

Robert F. Kennedy 1925-1968 --As U.S. Attorney General for his brother and later Senator from New York, he worked to fight poverty and promote civil rights --Wife Ethel created the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial, a foundation that fights poverty and human-rights abuses

Jean Kennedy Smith 1928- --In 1974 she began Very Special Arts to foster art for the handicapped. She was recently Ambassador to Ireland --Late husband Stephen Smith managed both of R.F.K.'s campaigns

Edward Kennedy 1932- --U.S. Senator from Massachusetts since 1963 and a tireless stalwart of causes such as universal health coverage


While only a few of this next generation of Kennedys have chosen politics, most continue to participate in public service

Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg 1957- --Involved with American Ballet Theatre, the J.F.K. Library Foundation and the Profiles in Courage Awards

John Kennedy Jr. 1960-1999 --Started Reaching Up, to assist health-care workers who work with the mentally handicapped; involved in the Robin Hood Foundation, the J.F.K. Library Foundation and Harvard's Institute of Politics

Robert Shriver III 1954- --Directs the West Coast office of Special Olympics

Timothy Shriver 1959- --President and CEO of Special Olympics

Mark Shriver 1964- --Maryland state legislator since 1994. Founded the Choice Program to provide counseling and jobs for troubled kids in Maryland

Anthony Shriver 1965- --Started Best Buddies, which pairs students and employers with the mentally handicapped

Robin Lawford 1961- --Wildlife conservationist; fund-raiser for the Kennedy Child Study Center in New York City

Kathleen Kennedy Townsend 1951- --Lieutenant Governor of Maryland since 1995

Joseph Kennedy II 1952- --Massachusetts Congressman 1986-98. Founded and heads Citizens Energy Corp., which provides inexpensive heating oil to the poor

Robert Kennedy Jr. 1954- --Attorney for Riverkeeper Inc., a group dedicated to cleaning up the Hudson River

Courtney Kennedy Hill 1956- --Human-rights activist, notably for accused I.R.A. terrorist Paul Hill, who is now her husband

Michael Kennedy 1958-1997 --President of Citizens Energy Corp. until his death

Kerry Kennedy Cuomo 1959- --Founded R.F.K. Memorial Center for Human Rights

Christopher Kennedy 1963- --On the board of the Greater Chicago Food Depository, feeds the hungry

Maxwell Kennedy 1965- --Running Uncle Ted's Senate campaign. Co-heads the Watershed Institute, preserving urban ecosystems

Douglas Kennedy 1967- --A founder of Third Millennium, which tries to engage young people in national issues

Rory Kennedy 1968- --Documentary filmmaker with a focus on social issues

William Kennedy Smith 1960- --Co-founded Physicians Against Land Mines, which helps victims

Edward Kennedy Jr. 1961- --Created Facing the Challenge, which promotes self-help programs for the handicapped

Patrick Kennedy 1967- --Rhode Island Congressman since 1995