Vol. 153 No. 23
Held Back
Eager to toughen the standards in public schools, politicians are calling for an end to "social promotion." But forcing kids to repeat a grade may hurt more than help
Doyenne Of The Dollars
She's got connections, and she throws great parties. Can Beth Dozoretz bring Democrats the dough?
It's Not Just In New Jersey
Cops across the U.S. often search people just because of their race, a study says
Skidding To Disaster
Nine die when Flight 1420 to Little Rock tries to land in a violent storm. What went wrong?
Money For Stadiums But Not For Schools
Warfighting 101
(Kosovo Crisis / The Warriors)
The Pentagon is already debating the military lessons of Kosovo. There are some big surprises
Why He Blinked
(Kosovo Crisis / Making A Deal)
Milosevic may have capitulated, but there is little reason for exultation among the alliance
Gore's Role: Deep In The Details
(Kosovo Crisis / Making A Deal)
Will The K.L.A. Play Along?
(Kosovo Crisis / Making A Deal)
Geeks Vs. G-Men
A virtual shooting war breaks out between hackers and the FBI. Are the kids really worth the trouble?
Lunar Prospector Sent On Suicide Mission
The 100 Worst Ideas Of The Century
Getting Up For Gore
Hair Ball
This Old War-Torn House
The List
Petty Issues
When The Writer Is The Hero
Faith At The Speed Of Light
Baby, You Can Drive My Car. And So Can He
How 60 commuters share 12 cars to beat traffic, reduce pollution and save money
What They're Made Of
Mutual Fund Meltdown
There are about 600 mutual fund families. Most of them can't beat the market. So why do we need them?
The Way They Were
(The Arts / Television)
It's sex, war and microchips in a nifty movie about the pioneers of the personal computer era
Him Tarzan, Him Great
(The Arts / Cinema)
Disney's animators triumph by turning the ape-man into a questing kid with a surfer's agility and an identity crisis
Going For Mass Appeal
(The Arts / Art)
An abandoned factory becomes a harmonious home for a broad array of contemporary works
(The Arts / Theater)
After four decades, a Sondheim show debuts
Bad Love Is Good News
(The Arts / Music)
Randy Newman's first CD in ages is pure bile, and pure brilliance
In The Name Of Evil
(The Arts / Books)
The Autobiography of Joseph Stalin is really fine fiction about the life of a really horrible man
City Of Light
(The Arts / Short Takes)
By Lauren Belfer
Ray Romano
(The Arts / Q&A)
England, England
(The Arts / Short Takes)
By Julian Barnes
The Thirteenth Floor
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Directed by Josef Rusnak
Learning Curve
(The Arts / Short Takes)
DJ Rap
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Jackie's Back
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Lifetime, June 14
The Red Violin
(The Arts / Short Takes)
Directed by Francois Girard
Your Money
(Personal Time / Your Money)
Life With Palm VII
(Personal Time / Your Technology)
After a few weeks with the wireless wonder, I can't find anything wrong with it--except its cost
Day-Trading Funds
(Personal Time / Your Money)
Not yet, but it's inevitable. Here's how to survive an increasingly complex stock-fund world
Change Of Life
(Personal Time / Your Family)
My dad is weighing a move to a continuing-care facility. So why did he buy a new lawn mower?
Muscle Candy
(Personal Time / Your Health)
Think you'll hit like Mark and Sammy if you take androstenedione and creatine? Dream on
Your Family
(Personal Time / Your Family)
Your Health
(Personal Time / Your Health)
Your Technology
(Personal Time / Your Technology)
Spinning The Holocaust
Has the century's signature horror been misused?
TIME 100 Persons Of The Century
(Time 100)
We've wrapped up our selection of the most influential people of the 20th century. Here is our complete list
The Agitator
(Time 100)
EMMELINE PANKHURST The Victorian Englishwoman marshaled the suffragist movement, which won women the vote
The Miracle
(Time 100)
Helen Keller She altered our perception of the disabled and remapped the boundaries of sight and sense
The Torchbearer
(Time 100)
ROSA PARKS Her simple act of protest galvanized America's civil rights revolution
Thurgood Marshall: The Brain Of The Civil Rights Movement
(Time 100)
With Voices Raised
(Time 100)
Among the eloquent cries for black empowerment were separatists and rebels, preachers and dreamers, and an opera singer barred from a concert hall
The Conquerors
(Time 100)
HILLARY & TENZING By conquering Everest, the beekeeper and the Sherpa affirmed the power of humble determination--and won one for underdogs everywhere
The Greatest
(Time 100)
MUHAMMAD ALI Floating, stinging, punching, prophesying, he transformed his sport and became the world's most adored athlete
The Blond
(Time 100)
MARILYN MONROE She sauntered through life as the most delectable sex symbol of the century and became its most enduring pop confection
The Saint
(Time 100)
MOTHER TERESA In fighting for the dignity of the destitute in a foreign land, she gave the world a moral example that bridged divides of culture, class and religion
The Preacher
(Time 100)
BILLY GRAHAM Transcending doctrine and denomination, he served as the nation's spiritual counselor and made America safe for public testimonies of faith
The Gladiator
(Time 100)
BRUCE LEE With nothing but his hands, feet and a lot of attitude, he turned the little guy into a tough guy
The Flyer
(Time 100)
CHARLES LINDBERGH He was the century's first hero and unwittingly pioneered the age of mass-media celebrity
The Trailblazer
(Time 100)
JACKIE ROBINSON He thrilled fans, shattered baseball's color barrier and changed the face of the nation
The Warriors
(Time 100)
THE AMERICAN G.I. From disparate roots but united by patriotic courage, U.S. soldiers preserved freedom around the world
The Phenomenon
(Time 100)
PELE He dominated soccer for two decades with a passion matched only by that of his fans throughout the world
The Diarist
(Time 100)
ANNE FRANK With a diary kept in a secret attic, she braved the Nazis and lent a searing voice to the fight for human dignity
The Healer
(Time 100)
BILL W. From the rubble of a wasted life, he overcame alcoholism and founded the 12-step program that has helped millions of others do the same
The Dissident
(Time 100)
ANDREI SAKHAROV By courageously speaking truth to power, he became the conscience of the cold war and inspired the movement that toppled Soviet communism
The Guerrilla
(Time 100)
CHE GUEVARA Though communism may have lost its fire, he remains the potent symbol of rebellion and the alluring zeal of revolution
The Princess
(Time 100)
DIANA Why could we not avert our eyes from her? Was it because she beckoned? Or was there something else we longed for?
Uneasy Crowns
(Time 100)
You think the Windsors have it bad? Here's how other royals fared
Dubious Influences
(Time 100)
The century had its minor villains and antiheroes who caused no little bit of havoc
Heroes And Icons
(Time 100)
They thrilled us and brought tears to our eyes. And we shaped our lives with the lessons of their fervor and folly, their tragedies and triumphs
The 10 Most Influential Athletes Of The Century
(Time 100)
The 20 Most Beautiful Stars of the 20th Century
(Time 100)
The Dynasty
(Time 100)
The Kennedys With its mix of political triumph and human tragedy, their saga enthralled the nation and made them America's most powerful family
The Pioneer
(Time 100)
HARVEY MILK People told him no openly gay man could win political office. Fortunately, he ignored them
When Love Was The Adventure
(Time 100)
The five romances that, for better or worse, captured our imagination this century
After The War: The Travails Of Otto Frank
(Time 100)
Why We Marched, My Darlings
(Time 100)
From Teen To Teen: Thoughts From A Young Actor
(Time 100)
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