Monday, May. 31, 1999

60 Second Symposium

By Melissa August, Harriet Barovick, Michelle Derrow, Tam Gray, Daniel Levy, Lina Lofaro, David Spitz, Flora Tartakovsky and Chris Taylor


Ehud Barak's prominent facial mole will make him a popular man among caricaturists. We asked political cartoonists to name other political figures they thought were particularly enjoyable targets.

STEPHEN BREEN, Asbury Park Press Steve Forbes is my favorite to draw because he looks like he's on some kind of controlled substance. He has these wonderfully goofy eyeballs and this kind of semimaniacal smile. I noticed he changed his hair within the last couple of years. He looks a little more presidential, which is bad for us. We like the goofy hair.

JACK OHMAN, The Oregonian I like drawing Dan Quayle because I think he looks like a Furby or one of the Campbell's soup kids, and frankly some of the other people out in politics today look like Mr. Potato Heads. Everybody is so bland looking. Those are the kinds of people that drive you crazy. My idea of hell would be having to draw George W. Bush for eight years.

RANAN LURIE, Neue Zurcher Zeitung I would say Brezhnev. His face was like an ancient map of his character. It reflected so much of his personality and gave you several different ways to express the same features. If once in a blue moon he smiled, it was such a rarity that it was like a scoop. I was impressed with how his viciousness just spread into his face.