Monday, May. 03, 1999
By Harriet Barovick, Tam Gray, Daniel Levy, Lina Lofaro, David Spitz, Joel Stein and Flora Tartakovsky
JOHN MCCAIN His boxing-reform bill got Muhammad Ali's support. That's even better than Russ Feingold's!
BILL BRADLEY Catching up in polls and funds to front-running Gore. Still neck-and-neck in charisma
ROSEANNE Despite poor ratings, her show gets renewed. Oh, goody. More shots of her butt tattoo
BORIS YELTSIN In a step toward impeachment, parliament votes to keep prosecutor. Ain't democracy fun?
THE SEVEN SISTERS Elite cadre of schools down to six as Radcliffe agrees to merge fully into Harvard
N.R.A. Cutting back to "essential" events in upcoming Denver conference. Like disbanding?