Monday, Mar. 22, 1999
By Harriet Barovick, Tam Gray, Lina Lofaro, David Spitz, Flora Tartakovsky and Chris Taylor
DONNA SHALALA Foils three would-be muggers at an ATM. Next up: pay-per-view match with Jesse Ventura?
SUBCOMANDANTE MARCOS NEA grant for kids' book by rebel leader withdrawn, another grant replaces it
THE AMERICAN PUBLIC Judge grants Aerosmith's Steven Tyler restraining order, bars nude pics of him
CHARLES BAKALY Ken Starr's flack lost the battle for hearts and minds. Now he's quit his post amid allegations of leaks
MINNESOTA SPORTS FANS Marbury leaves T'wolves for Nets; four players suspended from U. of Minn. b-ball team
PARTY OF FIVE Great show saddled with wacky subplot about evil boyfriend. C'mon guys--you can do better