Monday, Mar. 01, 1999


By Kathleen Adams, Harriet Barovick, Tam Gray, Daniel Levy, Lina Lofaro, David Spitz, Joel Stein, Flora Tartakovsky and Chris Taylor

2,345 Minutes devoted to the Lewinsky scandal and impeachment trial by the evening newscasts of CBS, NBC and ABC from Jan. 22, 1998, to Feb. 12, 1999

826 Number of Lewinsky minutes broadcast by the NBC Nightly News--the most of the three news shows

9% Decline in Nightly News viewers over the past year

670 million m.p.h. Speed of light, roughly

38 m.p.h. Speed that light traveled during Danish physicist Lene Hau's breakthrough refraction process

40 m.p.h. Minimum speed required by law on New Jersey state highways

12.4% Portion of Native American population victimized by crime in an average year, more than twice the national rate

60% Portion of violent crimes against Indians committed by whites

81%, 69%, 29% Portion of violent crimes against blacks, whites and Indians committed by someone of their own race

Sources: Tyndall Report, Hollywood Reporter, Nature, Bergen County Record, Justice Department