Monday, Feb. 08, 1999


By Michele Orecklin


On Jan. 28, 1999, just before midnight and by careful plan, a man with big ears exited the Ritz Hotel in London with his longtime girlfriend after attending a birthday party for her sister. Side by side, they waited momentarily on the curb for their car. This event was attended by 200 photographers, all there to capture the duo's first public appearance as a couple, and heralded by a British paper as a "Royal Night of History." Thus was CAMILLA PARKER BOWLES officially sanctioned the Royal Girlfriend by PRINCE CHARLES. Nothing like spontaneity to spark up a romance.


NAME: PAUL ("SIR") MCCARTNEY AGE: 56 OCCUPATION: Keeping the Beatles' flame alive; writing symphonies BEST PUNCH: Accuses BBC of banning late wife Linda's newly released song because of profane lyrics; buys ads in papers saying parents, not radio, should decide what their kids hear

NAME: B ("THE BEEB") BC AGE: 76 OCCUPATION: Exporting quality programming to America BEST PUNCH: BBC deejay John Peel denies ban, saying, "People claim their records have been banned, when in fact they are not being played because they are crap"

THE WINNER Sorry, Paul, the song stinks, but her recipe book is good


BUDDY EBSEN may be better known as the star of The Beverly Hillbillies and Barnaby Jones than the painter behind such works as Welll Doggies and Welll Kitties. But it's not for a want of application. Now 91, he prolifically turns out seascapes, landscapes and a series called "Uncle Jed Country," based on his Hillbillies character. (Limited editions available, only $100 for a signed lithograph.) Among his inspirations, Ebsen counts the Impressionists and Duke, Jed's canine sidekick. How does he choose his subjects? "I populate my work with animals," he says, "because people like animals." Well, it worked for John Constable.


Argentina may want to consider getting itself some new neighbors. First Brazil's crippled economy brings doom to its border; then Uruguay's hormonal teenagers keep PAMELA ANDERSON from crossing it. The remarkably cantilevered V.I.P. star was set to visit Argentina after filming a commercial in Uruguay but cut her tour short after being swarmed by hundreds of randy Uruguayan boys eager to cop a feel. Following a press conference, the teens shouted vulgarities at poor Pam, then attempted to grope her. Unnerved, Anderson fled back to the relative safety of the States, where teenage boys are happy just to download her naked image from the Internet.