Monday, Jan. 11, 1999
What People Think
Should insurance companies have access to your genetic record or DNA without permission?
Yes 6% No 94%
Should employers be able to obtain access to employees' genetic records or DNA without permission?
Yes 5% No 95%
The Federal Government is currently spending $3 billion trying to map all human DNA. Do you agree or disagree with this use of taxpayer dollars?
Agree 37% Disagree 55%
Some private companies working to discover genes are also trying to get patents on them so they can make money. Do you approve or disapprove of this?
Approve 23% Disapprove 71%
Would you like to know, through genetic profiling, what harmful diseases you might suffer from later in life?
Yes 62% No 34%
Your children might suffer from?
Yes 64% No 33%
Should a person who smokes pay higher insurance rates than a nonsmoker?
Yes 55% No 42%
Should a person whose genetic profile shows potential problems pay higher health-insurance rates than someone whose profile does not?
Yes 8% No 88%
Should the police be allowed to collect DNA information from suspected criminals, as they currently do with fingerprints?
Yes 66% No 29%
Is it a good or a bad idea for the FBI to create a DNA database with information gathered from suspected criminals and crime scenes throughout the country?
Good Idea 71% Bad Idea 24%
If you could choose traits for your baby, would you choose to:
Yes Rule out a fatal disease 60% Ensure greater intelligence 33% Influence height or weight 12% Determine sex 11%
Should parents with genetically linked diseases be required to test their children for them?
Yes 39% No 55%
If you had the gene for an incurable life-threatening disease, would you have your unborn child tested for the disease?
Yes 70% No 26%
If the test showed that the baby would have the disease, would you consider ending the pregnancy through abortion?*
Yes 39% No 48%
*Asked of those who would have the child tested
Should the government regulate:
Using gene therapy--that is, altering genes to cure or prevent diseases?
Yes 62% No 30%
Cloning of whole animals?
Yes 47% No 47%
Using genetic testing to pick the traits in unborn children?
Yes 46% No 49%
Since not all prescription drugs work for everyone, would you pay extra for a genetically customized drug that you knew would work for you?
Yes 67% No 28%
Should genetically engineered food be labeled as such?
Yes 81% No 14%
If food were labeled as genetically engineered, would you buy it for yourself or your family?
Yes 28% No 58%
*From a telephone poll of 1,031 adult Americans taken for TIME/CNN last month by Yankelovich Partners Inc. Margin of error +/- 3%. "Not sures" omitted.