Vol. 152 No. 25
Inside The Hunt For Osama
The Feds have tailed the Saudi and his secret network for years. So why didn't they stop the Africa bombings?
A New Key to the Family Tree
(Archaeology / In Brief)
City Of The Gods
Who built Teotihuacan? Why did it fall? Thanks to a newly discovered tomb, the secrets of Mexico's ancient metropolis may finally be revealed
A Politician Comes Out
Michael Huffington, after years of struggle, reveals that he's gay--and starts a new life as a gay activist
Let's Go to the Tape
A rash of referee blunders in NFL games has fans pleading for a review of key calls by instant replay
How to Clone a Herd
(In Brief)
Bill Gates' Nemesis
The DOJ lead attorney David Boies takes a hit but keeps on coming
State Of The Union
(The Scoop)
Hoffa Takes Charge. First Target: Democrats
Should Bradley Stoop to Conquer?
College Life
(The Scoop)
Murder and Pornography Roil the Yale Campus
To Our Readers
Ol' Black-and-Blue Eyes
Concerned about all that raw FBI data on Sinatra? Here's how you should read it
Hardening the Nutcracker
In an inner-city school, the Christmas classic gets a streetwise makeover
Acting Up in the Air
As violent, unruly flyers turn the friendly skies into a high-altitude riot, airlines are finally clamping down on air rage
This Place Makes Me Sick
Modern, airtight offices are causing more cases of sick-building syndrome. Just ask Southwest Airlines
A New Take on Giving
(Philanthropy / Charity Watch)
Meet the philanthropists for the next century: savvy, shrewd and funding causes that produce results
The Children's Crusade
(Philanthropy / Charity Watch)
How fourth- and fifth-graders in Colorado are buying the freedom of slaves in a faraway land
What Johnny Can't Read
Parental protests are only the latest reason teachers shy away from books that might stir controversy
Cyberpunk Spinmeister
(Science Fiction)
With Distraction, Bruce Sterling's fiercely satirical take on America's political future, a cult icon comes into his own
Gifts from the IRS
(Personal Time / Your Money)
Act before the New Year to take advantage of the Roth IRA and other valuable tax breaks
Miracle Blood
(Personal Time / Your Health)
Doctors are using cord blood from babies to save lives. Should you pay to store your baby's?
Her Way and Mine
(Personal Time / Your Technology)
I buy top-of-the-line computers. My mom likes to get the cheap ones. What works for you?
Your Health
(Personal Time / Your Health)
Your Money
(Personal Time / Your Money)
Your Technology
(Personal Time / Your Technology)
Bottoming Out
(Time Select / Quarterly Business Report)
Diamonds Buried in The Rubble
(Time Select / Quarterly Business Report)
Slowly, cautiously and knowing the risk, some U.S. firms are venturing back into Asia
Close Call
(Time Select / Quarterly Business Report)
The global crisis is no longer getting worse, says TIME's Board of Economists. But real recovery in Asia may take several years
Special Report Impeachment
(Special Report / Impeachment)
Our Nattering Nabobs
(Special Report / Impeachment)
Hearings have ceased to be useful. They are now an extension of television
The Best & Worst Of The Year
(The Best Of 1998)
Tom Terrific
(The Best Of 1998 / Cinema)
The film of the year. A perky new comedy. These are high times for our most versatile star
The Best of 1998 Cinema
(The Best Of 1998 / Cinema)
The Best of 1998 Television
(The Best Of 1998 / Television)
The Best of 1998 Design
(The Best Of 1998 / Design)
The Best Of 1998 Music
(The Best Of 1998 / Music)
The Best Of 1998 Theater
(The Best Of 1998 / Theater)
The Best Of 1998 Books
(The Best Of 1998 / Books)
The Best Of 1998 Sports
(The Best Of 1998 / Sports)
Who Had Their 15 Minutes
(The Best Of 1998 / People)
People for whom the world's short memory is a wonderful thing
An Impeachment Long Ago: Andrew Johnson's Saga
(Special Report / Impeachment)
We've Got Their Mail
(The Best Of 1998 / Cinema)
While they made the movie, co-stars Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan traded real e-mail. Some excerpts:
Matchmaker, Matchmaker
(The Best Of 1998 / Cinema)
Read the story