Monday, Nov. 16, 1998


By Val Castronovo, Tamala M. Edwards, Tam M. Gray, Daniel S. Levy and Alain L. Sanders



HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON Gingrich jumps, D'Amato and Faircloth lose, in-law Boxer wins and Monica threat goes up in smoke

AL GORE Chit-rich V.P. turns eyes toward 2000 as rival Gephardt is still stuck in the minority

GEORGE & BARBARA BUSH Their sons the Governors! Now they are looking for a nice state for Neil to run


KEN STARR After four years and $40 million, his biggest casualty turns out to be the Speaker of the House

RALPH REED Education's in, morality's out: Christian conservative consultant flops

BIG BANKERS & BROKERS Chances for bank reform drop as Gramm replaces D'Amato on Senate Banking Committee


1. What job besides wrestler did Jesse Ventura hold before his election?

a) sports radio talk-show host b) acupuncturist c) organ grinder d) mime

2. Two of the opponents of Senator John McCain were

a) Park and Ranger b) Fallon and Arches c) Lennon and McCartney d) Captain Picard and Data

3. New Jersey Republican Michael Pappas lost after his opponent ran a video of him singing an ode to Ken Starr to the tune of a famous song. Name the song.

a) Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star b) My Heart Will Go On (Love Theme from Titanic) c) Don't Wanna Bump No More with No Big Fat Woman d) Tantum Ergo

4. Newport, Maine, voters rejected a law that would have

a) restricted the size of signage b) kept statewide candidates who accepted PAC money from campaigning in town c) punished women for publicly displaying their breasts d) made it a hate crime to insult Canadians

Answers: 1-a; 2-a; 3-a; 4-c


9,537 Total votes needed to have been switched in six key districts in order for the Democrats to have regained control of the House in Tuesday's election

119,450,000 Eligible voters who did not cast their ballots, the highest number on record

401 Votes received by Byron ("Low Tax") Looper, who is charged with killing his opponent, Tommy Burks. Burks' wife won the race with write-in votes

37,351 Votes received by "Grandpa" Al Lewis, former star of The Munsters, in his failed bid for Governor of New York

629,289 Votes received by L.A. sheriff Sherman Block, who died a week before the election for sheriff. He lost

73% Decline in number of election stories run by major networks in 1998, compared with 1994 midterm election

59.5% Minnesota turnout, the nation's highest, where Jesse ("The Body") Ventura was elected Governor

17.6% Virginia turnout, the nation's lowest, where there were no statewide races

Sources: The National Committee for an Effective Congress, N.Y.Times, The Freedom Forum, Center for Media and Public Affairs, the Tennessean