Monday, Sep. 14, 1998
Bobcat Goldthwait
By Joel Stein
Comedian Bobcat Goldthwait is host of Bobcat's Big Ass Show on the FX channel.
Q: You're so funny, and that movie you made about the drunken clown was great. How come Bobcat's Big Ass Show sucks?
A: I'm kind of just a hired gun.
Q: So the show wasn't your idea?
A: Hell, no.
Q: After you literally burned Jay Leno's chair on air, you had to do public service announcements. Did you learn something, or are you going to do it again?
A: I don't think I'm that angry anymore.
Q: Because of the Big Ass Show?
A: Yeah, that's happiness.
Q: You're also on this Married with Children knockoff show on UPN as the voice of a bunny named Mr. Floppy.
A: All right, all right. Let me correct you. It's the WB. I'd never be on the UPN.
Q: Is this your first time being called Mr. Floppy?
A: On a national level. And it's not a knockoff. It's by the same guy. It's like Colonel Sanders opening a new chicken restaurant.
Q: You do tons of voice work now. Does that make you less confident about your physical appearance?
A: Yeah, I've lost 50 lbs. But people would rather see the chubby, jolly Bobcat.
Q: Who'd be worst to sit next to on a plane: Gilbert Gottfried, Pauly Shore or you?
A: Pauly. Pauly's different. Both Gilbert and I just punch the clock.
Q: Yeah, your voice is normal in real life. What's next, after the Big Ass Show?
A: Probably supermarket openings.
Q: Until Police Academy 10, right?
A: I kind of got tossed off that series for my bad attitude.
Q: O.K., I think that's all I need.
A: So do I get like a phone in the shape of a football or anything?
Q: Like you're the first person to ask me that since I started working at TIME.
--By Joel Stein