Monday, Nov. 04, 1996
Population (1994): 5,006,000 (up 4.7% from 1990), 2.0% of U.S. total
Voting-age population: 3,750,000; 1994 turnout, 36%
Median age: 33 years
Median household income: $39,198 ($6,934 above U.S. median)
Unemployment: 4.8% (0.8% below U.S. average, March 1996)
Last presidential election: Clinton (D): 50% Bush (R): 36% Perot (I): 14%
Congressional delegation: Six Democrats, four Republicans
Maryland's northern border is the famous Mason-Dixon line, traditionally the demarcation between North and South. During the mid-19th century, Maryland was a major immigration center, and its ethnic diversity still sets it apart from many southern regions. The state also boasts demographic variety, from urban Baltimore to the rustic, Southern-styled Eastern Shore and the hills of the western panhandle. The eight House seats are divided equally between the parties, and while its political differences are great, when taken as a whole, Maryland is moderate with a slight Democratic edge, like the nation itself.
STEPHEN EASTAUGH (D) District 1 (Cross Bay--Eastern Shore; Annapolis; Glen Burnie)
BORN: May 16, 1952, Boston EDUCATION: Harvard U, B.A., 1973, M.S., 1975; Johns Hopkins U, Sc.D., 1978 FAMILY: Wife, Janet; one child RELIGION: Protestant MILITARY: None OCCUPATION: Professor of public health and economic policy POLITICAL CAREER: Sought Democratic nomination for U.S. House, 1994 ADDRESS: 7125 Chandler Drive, Berlin 21811. Tel.: 410-647-8683
In order to better define his own moderate stances, Eastaugh has painted G.O.P. incumbent Wayne Gilchrest as a Newt Gingrich crony and environmental Johnny-come-lately. Eastaugh emphasizes his own participation in the original Earth Day (while at Harvard) and his support for small-business tax incentives. He agrees with his opponent, however, in advocating overhaul of cumbersome government programs.
Budget NO Medicare NO Defense YES Abortion YES Guns NO Gays YES Bosnia NO NAFTA NO Welfare NO Medical Leave YES (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)
QUOTE OF NOTE: "Medicare is the real Contract with America, and Gilchrest and Gingrich have no right to break it. And they won't if I have anything to do with it."
BORN: April 15, 1946, Rahway, N.J. EDUCATION: Wesley College, A.A., 1971; Delaware State U, B.A., 1973 FAMILY: Wife, Barbara; three children RELIGION: Methodist MILITARY: Marines, 1964-68 OCCUPATION: Teacher POLITICAL CAREER: U.S. House, 1990- ADDRESS: P.O. Box 644, Townsend Building, Chestertown 21620. Tel.: 410-778-9460
Gilchrest's quixotic career includes heroic service in Vietnam--he received a Navy Commendation Medal--17 years teaching high school, and work as a forest ranger and barn builder. Noted for his fiscal conservatism, he has shown independence from the G.O.P. by backing the assault-weapons ban.
Budget YES Medicare YES Defense NO Abortion YES Guns YES Gays YES Bosnia NO NAFTA YES Welfare YES Medical Leave NO (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)
QUOTE OF NOTE: "Arguments in Washington aren't bad. You do not see the North Koreans arguing. You do not see gridlock in Cuba. What you see in Washington is an argument about the best way that America should move forward."
CONNIE DEJULIIS (D) District 2 (Baltimore and Harford counties)
BORN: June 9, 1946, Beckley, W.Va. EDUCATION: NR FAMILY: Husband, James; three children, three stepchildren RELIGION: NR MILITARY: None OCCUPATION: Labor-management consultant, factory worker POLITICAL CAREER: Maryland House, 1991-94; sought Democratic nomination for U.S. House, 1994 ADDRESS: 621C Stemmers Run Road, Baltimore 21221. Tel.: 410-687-8423
In the heavily industrialized Second District, DeJuliis' connection with the working class--like her mother before her, she worked the midnight shift at the Western Electric steel mill--poses a serious challenge to Robert Ehrlich's incumbency. She supports government benefits for the elderly and government guaranteed loans for students. But her success may depend on how effectively she can stick a Gingrich pin to Ehrlich.
Budget NR Medicare NR Defense NR Abortion NR Guns NR Gays NR Bosnia NR NAFTA NR Welfare NR Medical Leave NR (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)
QUOTE OF NOTE: "I'm not a victim. I am tough. I am a survivor."
BORN: Nov. 25, 1957, Baltimore EDUCATION: Princeton U, B.A., 1979; Wake Forest U, J.D., 1982 FAMILY: Wife, Kendel RELIGION: Methodist MILITARY: None OCCUPATION: Lawyer POLITICAL CAREER: Maryland House, 1987-94; U.S. House, 1994- ADDRESS: 1301 York Road, Suite 705, Lutherville 21093. Tel.: 410-296-8683
The son of a car salesman, Ehrlich attended Gilman, Princeton and Wake Forest on scholarships. In the G.O.P. freshman class of 1994 he has been conspicuous in his moderation, showing an independent streak on issues like term limits and abortion. But his proposals on the Government Reform and Oversight Committee have toed the line with the G.O.P.'s government-cutting agenda: he supported a proposal that would have banned government aid to nonprofit groups involved in politics.
Budget YES Medicare YES Defense NO Abortion YES Guns NR Gays NR Bosnia YES NAFTA NR Welfare YES Medical Leave NR (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)
QUOTE OF NOTE: "I represent a lot of working people of all races...who resent the government's being viewed as the giver of free entitlements."
BENJAMIN CARDIN (D) District 3 (Downtown Baltimore; Columbia)
BORN: Oct. 5, 1943, Baltimore EDUCATION: U of Pittsburgh, B.A., 1964; U of Maryland, LL.B., 1967 FAMILY: Wife, Myrna; two children RELIGION: Jewish MILITARY: None OCCUPATION: Lawyer POLITICAL CAREER: Maryland House, 1967-86; U.S. House, 1986- ADDRESS: 6305 York Road, Baltimore 21212. Tel.: 410-433-1900
Cardin emerged as something of a political prodigy in 1966, when he was elected to the Maryland House at age 23. His restrained personal manner is offset by his intensity as a legislator: he co-sponsored the 1995 Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Bill and supported bills to cap medical-malpractice damages, increase the tobacco tax and deny welfare to children of illegal immigrants as part of the controversial Immigration Reform Bill.
Budget NO Medicare NO Defense YES Abortion NO Guns YES Gays NO Bosnia NO NAFTA YES Welfare NO* Medical Leave YES (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)
QUOTE OF NOTE: "If we truly want to 'reform' Medicare, we should strengthen and improve it in a way that makes good economic and medical sense."
BORN: Sept. 12, 1943, Baltimore EDUCATION: Baltimore City College High School, diploma, 1962; U of Baltimore, 1975 FAMILY: Wife, Valerie RELIGION: Christian MILITARY: Maryland National Guard, 1964-65 OCCUPATION: Marketing and communications-group executive; radio-talk-show commentator POLITICAL CAREER: Maryland House, 1977-82 ADDRESS: P.O. Box 24640, Baltimore 21214. Tel.: 410-661-1999
Though he served in the Maryland House, McDonough, who has had it with Washington fat cats, casts himself as a Washington outsider. He says he'll scale back the IRS, offer tax breaks to lower-class and middle-class families, and propose a "serious, tough, effective war against crime and drugs." But running in a traditionally Democratic district against a popular, well-funded incumbent, McDonough may be too outside to get inside.
Budget YES Medicare YES Defense NO Abortion NO Guns NO Gays NO Bosnia YES NAFTA NO Welfare YES Medical Leave NO (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)
QUOTE OF NOTE: "I will fight to keep our military out of unconstitutional foreign missions such as Somalia and Bosnia, plus outlaw U.N. control over U.S. troops."
JOHN KIMBLE (R) District 4 (Inner Prince George's County; Silver Spring)
BORN: May 29, 1960, Bergton, Va. EDUCATION: NR FAMILY: Single RELIGION: Brethren MILITARY: None OCCUPATION: Paging-company owner; writer; behavioral researcher POLITICAL CAREER: Sought Republican nomination for Maryland Senate, 1994 ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1303, Beltsville 20704. Tel.: 301-434-8683
Only an unconventional candidate--he offered to pose for Playgirl if Howard Stern would help him raise $1 million for his campaign--would take on a Democratic incumbent in a district where the G.O.P. is outnumbered nearly 6 to 1. Kimble, an author of books on wolves, proposes a 10-year moratorium on immigration and a plan to exclude the first $10,000 of workers' salaries from taxation.
Budget NO Medicare NO Defense NO Abortion NO Guns NO Gays YES Bosnia YES NAFTA YES Welfare YES Medical Leave NO (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)
QUOTE OF NOTE: "Immigrants have been given preferential treatment. A friend of mine got a $1 million loan from the SBA just because he couldn't speak English. And his kid went to Harvard...because he couldn't speak English. What I want is fairness."
ALBERT WYNN (D) District 4
BORN: Sept. 10, 1951, Philadelphia EDUCATION: U of Pittsburgh, B.S., 1973; Georgetown U, J.D., 1977 FAMILY: Wife, Jessie; one child RELIGION: Baptist MILITARY: None OCCUPATION: Lawyer POLITICAL CAREER: Maryland House, 1983-87, Senate, 1987-92; U.S. House, 1992- ADDRESS: P.O. Box 5323, Capitol Heights 20791. Tel.: 301-336-7788
Wynn is a popular two-term Congressman from the only majority African-American suburban district in the country. He takes good care of his constituents, many of whom are federal employees. He pushed to include a measure in the 1994 Defense Authorization bill that provided $50 million in aid to laid-off military workers, and was one of the few Democrats who supported a G.O.P. compromise to end the federal shutdown last winter.
Budget NO Medicare NO Defense YES Abortion NO Guns YES Gays YES Bosnia NO NAFTA NO Welfare NO* Medical Leave YES (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)
QUOTE OF NOTE: "Republicans have attacked the most vulnerable citizens, including the elderly, the young, the disabled and the poor."
STENY HOYER (D) District 5 (South--outer Prince George's County)
BORN: June 14, 1939, New York City EDUCATION: U of Maryland, B.S., 1963; Georgetown U, J.D., 1966 FAMILY: Wife, Judith; three children RELIGION: Baptist MILITARY: None OCCUPATION: Lawyer POLITICAL CAREER: Maryland Senate, 1967-79, president, 1975-79; U.S. House, 1981- ADDRESS: 7905 Malcolm Road, Suite 102, Clinton 20735. Tel.: 301-856-0240
Hoyer spends much of his time and energy in Congress looking out for the concerns of his constituents, including the federal employees who make up 17% of the district's work force. On a Treasury-postal-funding bill, Hoyer won an average raise 1% higher than President Clinton had asked for. His responsiveness to constituents' wishes makes him popular, giving him an edge on Nov. 5.
Budget NO Medicare NO Defense NO Abortion NO Guns YES Gays YES Bosnia NO NAFTA YES Welfare NO* Medical Leave YES (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)
QUOTE OF NOTE: "I spent more time on [the issue of military] base closings than on anything else in politics over 30 years. I still do."
JOHN MORGAN (R) District 5
BORN: Dec. 23, 1963, Washington EDUCATION: Loyola College, B.S., 1984; Johns Hopkins U, M.S., 1986, Ph.D., 1990 FAMILY: Single RELIGION: Lutheran MILITARY: None OCCUPATION: Engineer POLITICAL CAREER: Maryland House, 1991- ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1503, Bowie 20717. Tel.: 301-574-1474
The generally conservative Morgan wants to eliminate what he says are tax loopholes for special interests and to encourage investment by indexing the capital-gains tax to inflation and by improving the tax treatment of IRAs. On crime, he wants to abolish parole for violent offenders and try as adults juveniles who commit violent crimes. He also supports an amendment to ban abortion except in cases of rape, incest and when the woman's life is in danger.
Budget YES Medicare YES Defense YES Abortion YES Guns NO Gays YES Bosnia YES NAFTA YES Welfare YES Medical Leave NO (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)
QUOTE OF NOTE: "My first day in Washington, I will be the most qualified Congressman to speak on issues relating to defense technology, due to my vast experience in this field."
ROSCOE BARTLETT (R) District 6 (Central and west--Frederick; Hagerstown)
BORN: June 3, 1926, Moreland, Ky. EDUCATION: Columbia Union College, B.A., 1947; U of Maryland, M.S., 1948, Ph.D., 1952 FAMILY: Wife, Ellen; 10 children RELIGION: Seventh-day Adventist MILITARY: None OCCUPATION: Professor, scientist, small-business owner POLITICAL CAREER: U.S. House, 1992- ADDRESS: P.O. Box 3662, Frederick 21705. Tel.: 301-696-1139
Bartlett, 70, has deeply conservative political beliefs and a background in engineering and medical science. He invented life-support equipment for pilots and astronauts before becoming a politician. And in Congress he has supported funding for NASA and nuclear-power technology. Given the district's political conservatism, he remains a favorite.
Budget YES Medicare YES Defense NO Abortion YES Guns NO Gays YES Bosnia YES NAFTA NO Welfare YES Medical Leave NO (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)
QUOTE OF NOTE: [On a White House aide's using the President's helicopter to go golfing] "The photo of two Marine guards saluting a golf bag as it was carried up the helicopter stairs is truly a picture that is worth a thousand words."
BORN: Nov. 22, 1942, Doylestown, Pa. EDUCATION: Cornell U, B.A., 1964; Wharton School of Business, M.G.A., 1971; Columbia U, Ph.D, 1985 FAMILY: Wife, Liliane Floge RELIGION: Episcopalian MILITARY: Army, 1964-67 OCCUPATION: University professor; public-policy analyst POLITICAL CAREER: Sought Democratic nomination for U.S. House, 1994 ADDRESS: 206 West Patrick Street, Frederick 21701. Tel.: 301-662-1998
Crawford is a mainstream Democrat who emphasizes education, the elderly and health care. In keeping with his professorial background, he would increase Pell grants and other federally subsidized college loans. While he says Medicare reform is a must, he believes G.O.P. proposals to fix it are too harsh.
Budget NO Medicare NO Defense YES Abortion NR Guns YES Gays YES Bosnia NO NAFTA YES Welfare NO Medical Leave YES (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)
QUOTE OF NOTE: "Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the [G.O.P. ] flat-tax proposal is that it is being offered at a time when American income inequality is at its highest in decades."
ELIJAH CUMMINGS (D) District 7 (Inner-city Baltimore; western Baltimore County)
BORN: Jan. 18, 1951, Baltimore EDUCATION: Howard U, B.A., 1973; U of Maryland, J.D., 1976 FAMILY: Separated RELIGION: Baptist MILITARY: None OCCUPATION: Lawyer POLITICAL CAREER: Maryland House, 1983-96, Speaker pro tem, 1995; U.S. House, 1996- ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1631, Baltimore 21203. Tel.: 410-662-8400
When Seventh District Representative Kweisi Mfume resigned in February to become president of the NAACP, Cummings easily won an April special election to fill that seat, and he's running now for his first full term. The son of sharecroppers, he vows to follow Mfume's path of liberalism and support for blacks and the urban poor. In his six months in office, Cummings has kept his vow, supporting economic development and affirmative action in black communities and sponsoring funding for urban teen centers to serve as alternatives to street gangs.
Budget NO Medicare NO Defense YES Abortion NO Guns YES Gays YES Bosnia NO NAFTA YES Welfare NR* (NO) Medical Leave YES (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)
QUOTE OF NOTE: "A lot of people call me a bridge builder, but sometimes I feel like I'm the bridge itself."
BORN: Dec. 4, 1941, Baltimore EDUCATION: Catonsville Community College, 1965-70 FAMILY: Single RELIGION: Presbyterian MILITARY: None OCCUPATION: Dental technician POLITICAL CAREER: Republican nominee for U.S. House, 1990, 1992, 1994; campaign chair, Independent Republican Coalition, 1994-95; Baltimore County Republican central committee, 1994- ADDRESS: 6610 Windsor Mill Road, Baltimore 21207. Tel.: 410-944-3582
Kondner has the difficult task of running as a conservative in a strongly liberal district. Disturbed by the political apathy he attributes to an irresponsible Congress, he vows to support term limits and reduce the maximum PAC contribution. But after getting less than 20% of the vote in April's special-election runoff against rival Elijah Cummings, he'll have to battle that apathy--and beat it--to win.
Budget YES Medicare NO Defense NO Abortion YES Guns NO Gays NO Bosnia NO NAFTA NO Welfare YES Medical Leave YES (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)
QUOTE OF NOTE: "We are in a struggle for the moral, ethical and even the spiritual soul of our country."
DONALD MOOERS (D) District 8 (Montgomery County)
BORN: April 12, 1960, Bangor, Maine EDUCATION: Duke U, B.A., 1981; George Washington U, J.D., 1986 FAMILY: Wife, Magda; two children RELIGION: Roman Catholic MILITARY: None OCCUPATION: State Department adviser; international-assistance-organization director POLITICAL CAREER: None ADDRESS: 2424 University Boulevard West, Suite 202, Wheaton 20902. Tel.: 301-929-8993
A former Peace Corps volunteer in Sierra Leone, Mooers worked in the early '90s for a nonprofit agency to ease the transition to a market economy in the former Soviet bloc. Despite a background in foreign affairs, he's campaigning on domestic issues like putting more police on the streets, strengthening environmental regulation and increasing money for job training and college.
Budget NO Medicare NO Defense YES Abortion NO Guns YES Gays NO Bosnia NO NAFTA YES Welfare NO Medical Leave YES (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)
QUOTE OF NOTE: [On the partial-birth-abortion ban] "Some have argued that it is necessary to outlaw a procedure they consider inhumane. But to prohibit its use even in those rare and unfortunate circumstances when it is necessary is even more inhumane."
BORN: Feb. 12, 1931, Somerville, Mass. EDUCATION: Boston U, B.A., 1954; American U, M.A., 1967 Family: Husband, Anthony; nine children (three natural, six foster) RELIGION: Roman Catholic MILITARY: None OCCUPATION: Professor POLITICAL CAREER: Maryland House, 1979-86; U.S. House, 1986- address: 7315 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 450W, Bethesda, 20814. Tel.: 301-424-3501
The moderate Morella is a G.O.P. maverick who voted against seven Contract with America provisions, three more than any other Republican; she consistently gets higher ratings from the liberal Americans for Democratic Action than from the American Conservative Union. Mother to nine children--six of whom are her sister's, raised by Morella after her sister died--Morella is also co-chair of the Congressional Caucus for Women's Issues.
Budget YES Medicare YES Defense YES Abortion NO Guns YES Gays NO Bosnia NO NAFTA YES Welfare NO* Medical Leave YES (For an explanation of these issues, see the front of this guide.)
QUOTE OF NOTE: "In the primary the Republicans say I vote with Clinton too much. In the general election, [the Democrats] say I vote with Gingrich. That must mean I'm doing something right."