Monday, Sep. 23, 1996


By Belinda Luscombe

Robert Altman couldn't believe it. before him sat two talented actors, Stanley Tucci and Campbell Scott, with a script for a movie they wanted to direct together. "We'd talk for a while, and then he'd suddenly say, 'Now, you guys have never directed anything before, right?' And we'd say, 'Nope, nothing on film.' And we'd talk for 10 minutes, and he'd say, 'You never directed anything?'" recalls Scott, who worked with Altman on Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle. "But in the end, he said, 'Oh well, it's not too damn hard anyway.'"

On Big Night the virgin directors made it look positively easy, even though Altman ultimately had to back out as producer. Tucci, best known as billionaire Richard Cross on the TV series Murder One, co-wrote the screenplay for Big Night "out of frustration with the films I was making." (Among his movies: Beethoven and Jury Duty.) Big Night's theme, making money vs. staying true to one's talents, will no doubt touch a chord in many of his peers. But the setting, a down-on-its-luck Italian restaurant, is all Tucci--a devotee of Italian food as well as Italian neorealism.

Because he planned to act in the film, Tucci asked Scott to co-direct (the two have known each other since high school in suburban New York-- "He was a jock; I was a druggie," says Scott). According to Tucci, the film was truly a collaborative effort. According to Scott, he was just helping flesh out his friend's vision: "We'd often look at each other on the set--4 a.m., 100 [degrees]--and say, 'How do people do this alone?'"

--By Belinda Luscombe