Monday, Dec. 26, 1994
Man of the Year
John Paul II 48
In these days of moral chaos, John Paul II is fiercely resolute about his
ideals, mapping the way for a world that often wants to seek its own
righteous path.
Profile: Philosopher and autocrat, Polish priest and Roman Pontiff, aging
The Pope and America: Tales of a divided parish.
Essay: John Paul II and the legacy of John XXIII.
Images 84
1994 in stunning pictures, from shattered freeways to South African
Best Of 1994 131
This year's tallies for science, the arts, people, products and sports
(including some worsts as well)
THE PRESIDENCY: A 12-Minute Makeover 108
Countering the G.O.P., Clinton offers a tax cut of his own
INVESTIGATIONS: The Other Arkansas Probe 111
The special prosecutor in the Mike Espy case widens his focus
AIR SAFETY: Industry Under a Cloud 114
Commuter planes face greater scrutiny and tougher rules
WARS: Rebellion in the Caucasus 116
Chechnya could bring down Yeltsin and/or democracy
BOSNIA: Broken Promises 121
While Serbs thwart peace, Jimmy Carter steps in
TECHNOLOGY: What You Want, When You Want It 125
Time Warner unveils the Cadillac of interactive TV systems
BUSINESS: The Bug That Bit Intel 126
Now IBM refuses to ship computers with flawed Pentium chips
CRIME: Following a Deadly Trail 128
A bomber strikes again in New Jersey, baffling investigators
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