Monday, Oct. 10, 1994






CONGRESS: The High Price of Gridlock 28

Voters are primed to punish Democrats for the mess

Tom Foley: The speaker falls behind at home

Ted Kennedy: Are his days numbered?

Republicans: Newt Gingrich's eyes are on the prize

THE POLITICAL INTEREST: Hope Grows in Harlem 41

Some help is finally reaching the inner cities

HAITI: Delicate Balance 42

Disorder shows how vulnerable Bill Clinton's policy is

Close Call: A reporter caught between the factions

BOSNIA: Off the Hook 49

Izetbegovic excuses Clinton from his promise on the embargo

DIPLOMACY: Nuclear Hardball 51

Pyongyang's brinkmanship threatens its talks with the U.S.

DISASTERS: The Cruel Sea 52

The ferry Estonia takes more than 900 to the bottom

BUSINESS: Devilish Derivatives 54

The exotic investments strew wreckage across the country

TRADE: What Price Asia? 61

Doing business in China means spawning imitators

IDEAS: The Ultimate Reading List 62

Harold Bloom defends his, though it's full of Dead White Males

MEDICINE: Taking Potshots at Prozac 64

Psychiatry's chief gadfly claims pills don't help the mentally ill

Voices of Hope: A radio show features recovered schizophrenics

COVER: Free at Last 66

In a brash display of cultural audacity, a new wave of African-American painters, writers, dancers and musicians sets off an exciting renaissance by laying claim to the artistic traditions of both blacks and whites

Henry Louis Gates Jr.: A leading black scholar looks back at renaissances past and finds hope for the future


Show Business: Quentin Tarantino's enthralling Pulp Fiction combines the high octane and the highbrow 76

Theater: Show Boat just keeps rollin' along 80

Cinema: Schlock auteur Ed Wood is now a brand name 82

Albert Brooks is hilarious in The Scout

I Don't Want to Talk About It stars a beguiling Mastroianni

Books: Imperium explores the crumbling old Soviet Union


Walter Winchell gets a superb biography

Barry Lopez's Field Notes speaks to the denatured urbanite

Television: The real scandal is how Quiz Show treats TV




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