Vol. 144 No. 12
Murder In Miniature
At the age of 11, "Yummy" Sandifer killed and was killed. His short, violent life is a haunting tale.
When Kids Go Bad
America's juvenile-justice system is antiquated, inadequate and no longer able to cope with the violence wrought by children whom no one would call innocents
A Fever for Tax Cuts
Buoyed by rising revenues, states embark on a binge of rate cutting. Will Clinton be tempted to join in?
Charles Van Doren Vs. the 1994 Quiz Show Dream Team
Health Report
Horse's Mouth
Informed Sources
News, Culture, Controversy on the Internet
The Week September 4-10
We're Outta Here
The top 10 countries whose citizens officially sought asylum or refugee status in the U.S. in 1993
Winners & Losers
The Line Starts Now
The U.S. agrees to accept more legal refugees as long as Castro keeps the rafters home
The Past As Prelude
This Time We Mean Business
Bill Clinton beats the war drums to pressure the military junta ( into calling it quits -- and to prepare the U.S. Congress and a skeptical country for war
Keeping Cool About Risk
Not So Fertile Ground
Some scientists fear that pollutants are damaging human reproductive systems
Better Off Dead?
(Health Care)
Lawmakers act as if modest reform is still alive, but it may do more harm than good
Let's Not Be Too Hasty
Activists who once clamored for speedier approval of AIDS drugs now favor a more deliberate approach
Tales From the Crypt
(Health Care)
On the Money Let My Dollars Go!
The Fairway Less Traveled
The author of a beloved self-help best seller pursues spirituality and self-fulfillment through the Zen of golf
The Political Interest the Case Against Invading Haiti
Clinton's Art of the Deal
The President and his Commerce Secretary woo Big Business with an aggressive "Buy American" policy
Looking for Work? Try the World.
In growing numbers, young Americans are finding jobs abroad
The Other Circus
As prosecutors seek a life sentence for O.J. Simpson, a grand jury hears evidence against his pal Al Cowlings
"Which Side You On?"
(Arts & Media / MUSIC)
Public Enemy, which performs what might be called classic rap, returns with a new target for its anger -- gangsta rappers
American Schubert
(Arts & Media / BOOKS)
A scholar has written the first real biography and appreciation of Scott Joplin, one of this country's unheralded musical giants
Barbarians At the Gate
(Arts & Media / CINEMA)
Robert Redford's Quiz Show is a smart, hugely entertaining depiction of a turning point in American cultural history
Beguiling Outlaw Lies
(Arts & Media / BOOKS)
Larry McMurtry co-writes a novel about Pretty Boy Floyd
Looking Amazingly Swell
(Arts & Media / THEATER)
Carol Channing won a Tony for Hello, Dolly! in 1964. Now she's on tour with the show. Depressing? Anything but.
Maestro Zinger
(Arts & Media / MUSIC)
History is repeating itself as farce at the Paris Opera as the conductor is forced out and a new director seizes power
Network Scramble
(Arts & Media / TELEVISION)
As the Big Three frantically strategize their new schedules for the fall, they've neglected one thing: good shows
Southern Gothic, '90s Style
(Arts & Media / BOOKS)
Jayne Anne Phillips' second novel fails to meet expectations
Star-Crossed Politicos
(Arts & Media / BOOKS)
James Carville and Mary Matalin's election memoir proves that whatever they feel for each other, their true love is campaigning
Young Man with a Horn
(Arts & Media / MUSIC)
Wallace Roney didn't have a trumpet, so Miles Davis gave him one of his own
Ripped From the Sky
Despite Flight 427's crash, air travel safety has been steadily improving
To Our Readers
Hiroshima and the Time Machine