Monday, Jun. 27, 1994

Time Contents Page





COVER: The Bloody Odyssey of O.J. Simpson 28

In an incredible saga viewed by millions, one of America's most beloved athletes is charged with the murder of his ex-wife and attempts to evade arrest as a suicidal fugitive -- as the drama and the chase are played out on television

HEALTH CARE: Bargain or Bust? 37

Clinton softens his promise on universal coverage

POLITICS: Naming Heaven's Ticket 38

The Christian right has become a force in the G.O.P.

CIVIL RIGHTS: A Summit's Slippery Slope 39

Should the N.A.A.C.P. associate with Farrakhan?

THE POLITICAL INTEREST: Why Paula Should Wait 40

The argument for delay that Clinton's lawyer will make

HAITI: Fever Pitch 44

Fears of invasion push the regime to the breaking point

Invasion: The case for and against 45

DIPLOMACY: Talking About Talks 47

Kim and Carter hug; Clinton asks for clarification

THE BALKANS: Unfinished Business 48

War-crime evidence mounts; prosecution remains distant

SOCIETY: Gays and the Limits of Tolerance 54

A revolution born in the '60s ponders its future in America

MEDICINE: The Short Life of a Siamese Twin 61

Was it right to separate Angela Lakeberg from her sister?

ETHICS: A Teenager's Right to Die 65

After two liver transplants, a Florida boy says "Enough"


Television: Cable was supposed to bring us a rich array of programming. So how did we end up with talk and reruns?


Cinema: From Poland, a witty look at love and revenge 71

Ted Danson plays Macaulay Culkin's cute dad 71

Music: Green Day's Dookie is the best rock CD of the year


Chrissie Hynde remains a tough, buoyant rocker 72

Books: Simon & Schuster's Napoleonic chief gets the ax 74

A Map of the World confirms Jane Hamilton's talent 75

The story behind an unknown writer's powerful memoir 77



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