Monday, Jun. 13, 1994
Health Report
Scientists studying 2,454 people in Shanghai report that drinking green tea, made from leaves that are steamed, rolled and crushed, can reduce the risk of developing cancer of the esophagus nearly 60%.
The Food and Drug Administration has approved a pill that combines the power of three antituberculosis medications. By cutting down on the number of pills patients must take -- thereby making it easier to complete treatment and thoroughly eradicate infections -- doctors hope to avoid creating drug- resistant TB strains.
Women who smoke run a 25% greater risk of dying from breast cancer than non- and ex-smokers, according to a new survey. Earlier research had suggested smoking might give a measure of protection against breast cancer as it decreases estrogen levels.
Doctors know that athletes who start taking steroids are subject to erratic mood swings. But a study of 156 steroid users found that 25% developed more severe psychiatric disorders, ranging from depression to manic episodes. Symptoms eventually disappeared after steroid use stopped.
Sources-GOOD: Journal of the National Cancer Institute; FDA
BAD: American Journal of Epidemiology, Archives of General Psychiatry