Vol. 143 No. 23
Lives 50 years later, the legacy of Hitler and Mussolini still bedevils Europe
The Men Who Fought
A Chance to Be Heard
(Time On Capitol Hill)
Two vital issues -- health care and welfare reform -- will preoccupy Congress in the coming months. TIME offers a digest of key proposals under consideration and invites you to use the attached postca
Almost Beyond Description
Bad Movie Meets Irresistible-Pun Dept.
Downfall As one of the Capitol's most powerful legislators decides his fate, colleagues wonder how it happened
Bring on the New Dishes
Health Report
Informed Sources
Inside Washington
This Year's "Didn't Inhale"?
Is She the President's Unguided Missile?
(The Presidency)
Looking for a Lift
(The Presidency)
Scandals and rivals have stalled him, but Clinton hopes to regain momentum by getting out of town
Number of the Week
Ready Or Not, Here They Come
Sexual Harassment: A Primer
Sexual harassment has been in the news of late. Here's a look at how the legal definition of the term has evolved.
Sharpie of the Week
That Explains It
The Pipe Racks Go to the Smithsonian
The Week May 22-28
Time on Capitol Hill
(Time On Capitol Hill)
Winners & Losers
Sorry, Wrong Country
Despite its outrage, the international community has neither the will nor the way to stop the slaughter
To Have and To Have Not
While the poor suffer under the embargo, Haiti is a land of opportunity for those without scruples
A Real Space Monster
The Hubble telescope finds hard evidence that giant black holes exist, and not just in Einstein's equations
Redwoods: The Last Stand
A young activist fights a corporate raider to save an ancient California forest from being cut down
One Premium Fits All?
(Health Care)
As Congress tackles the wild variation in insurance costs, lawmakers debate just how equal to make them
The Political Interest
The Courage to Change
The Public Eye
Is Brown Bagged?
Magazine Contents Page JUNE 6, 1994 VOL. 143 NO. 23
Kings of The Road
As putative antidotes to suburban life, 4WDs are hot and heading upscale
Murdoch's Biggest Score
First he captured N.F.L. football. Now he's taken 12 new stations -- and network TV will never be the same.
Black Rage: In Defense of a Mass Murderer
Oprah! Oprah in the Court!
Are talk shows changing the sensibilities of American jurors?
72 Churches -- And Also AIDS
(The Arts & Media / BOOKS)
A doctor tells of treating the disease in a Bible Belt town
A Comedic Lee Harvey Oswald
(The Arts & Media / THEATER)
John Malkovich intriguingly adapts a J.F.K. conspiracy novel
Blinded by the Light
(The Arts & Media / BOOKS)
James Fallows warns that Japan will come back from its economic troubles stronger and more aggressive than ever
Eddie Who?
(Arts & Media / CINEMA)
Beverly Hills Cop III spells trouble for its star
Lenny, With Lenny Missing
(The Arts & Media / BOOKS)
The subject eludes a dutiful new Bernstein biography
Saturday Night Fever
(The Arts & Media / SHOW BUSINESS)
A brilliant American film noir with John Travolta and Bruce Willis barges in at the last minute to take top honors at Cannes
Siddhartha In Seattle
(The Arts & Media / CINEMA)
Bernardo Bertolucci's Little Buddha is a ravishing film about an American boy who may be a reincarnated Tibetan lama
The Knock at the Door
(The Arts & Media / PROFILE)
Fame comes calling on Cormac McCarthy, but he's hiding out in order to write his violent, exquisite novels
To Our Readers
Who's Afraid of Virginia's Mouse?