Monday, May. 16, 1994

Something Unusual is Going On

Readers who believe in otherworldly encounters were quick to support Harvard psychiatrist John Mack's research into people's remarkable experiences with UFOs (BEHAVIOR, April 25). Among those who wrote was David Kostecke of Henrietta, New York. He recounted a 1989 experience with an intelligent non- human, noting, "Since my extraterrestrial contact, my body temperature has remained below normal -- near 97 degrees." Dave Aaron, director of the UFO Audio-Video Clearing House in Yucaipa, California, objected to criticism of the psychiatrist's scientific methods. "If John Mack's UFO abduction research is 'shoddy' can you please tell me what the unknown objects are on the 25,000 videotapes that our members have sent in from their home camcorders?" Some took a lighter view, among them Donald M. ("I am not Mork") Sensing of - Burke, Virginia, who claims to be the offspring of a union between an earthling and a space alien. He warned us to print his letter, or "expect to take a little trip..."