Monday, May. 16, 1994
Silly Fashions
Most haute couture ((FASHION, April 25)) is created by people who consciously or subconsciously hate women. Designers have finally gone too far. Style is no longer simply outre; it is silly and demeaning. What is even more ridiculous, some insecure women will buy this offal.
Vivian Hutchisson
Perrysburg, Ohio
I am a Paris-based designer, and you are right to expose the chaos of fashion today. What is happening in our business has nothing to do with making people look attractive, elegant or even interesting. On the contrary, the uglier you make the clothes, the louder the noise. Today's "grab bag" fashion prophets, who are more concerned with media glitz than with the craft of dressing their public, are responsible for the nihilistic corner to which they have been relegated by their disenchanted clientele.
Morris Arrari
We women have been striving all these years to upgrade our stature in society. Now disrespectful clowns calling themselves designers insultingly propose that we wear ludicrous, outlandish costumes fit only for a rebellious, attention- craving 13-year-old. You should have disdained the eccentricities of misogynistic minds.
Rosanne H. Erhardt
Northridge, California