Monday, May. 02, 1994
That's Show Business
Poor baby! David Letterman should not have been shocked when Madonna socked it to him and used four-letter words on his late-night talk show ((PEOPLE, April 11)). He makes a living taking unflattering, even cruel shots at people who are not present, including Madonna, upon whom he regularly performs monologue muggings, so he should have been better prepared. The only thing he wasn't ready for was the way she did it -- in his face. But don't worry, Dave, it's not Karma, just show biz.
George Lawhon
Sunnyvale, California
AOL: GeorgeL425
I am not surprised by Madonna's vulgar display. What do you expect from a woman who built her career on being shocking and revolting?
Stuart Henry
Lodi, California
Via America Online