Monday, May. 02, 1994
Examining Clintonophobia
Thank you for reporting on the people who are stirring up a witches' brew of vilification against the Clintons ((POLITICS, April 11)). The despicable actions of these hatemongers, whether motivated by greed, jealousy or revenge, threaten the well-being of the U.S. In these difficult times our nation desperately needs the great leadership that President Clinton is able to provide. Let us pray that he and his wonderful wife survive and succeed in spite of these sharks.
Ruth Wasley
Carmel, California
I was quite amused by your article and agree with those who feel that "Clinton has this inability to tell the whole truth." Whether the subject is the 1980s middle-class tax cuts, inhaling marijuana fumes, avoiding the draft, gays in the military, health care, whatever, this man cannot tell the truth, and that's what upsets America. This is why Whitewater won't stop haunting the White House. Americans, relying on their past experience, believe the President and his wife are hiding something.
Matt Shaheen
"Clintonophobia" is an abnormal condition that strikes many conservatives today and manifests itself in the classic four Ds of their politics: denial, delay, derision and division. Unable to bring substance to the pressing issues of the day, conservatives see in the Clintons their worst fear: an activist Administration with a progressive social agenda that won't retreat from its goals.
Michael R. Morgenstern
Cleveland, Ohio
AOL: Mrm11
Bill Clinton has more guts than an N.F.L. quarterback and Hillary more brains than Rush Limbaugh.
Daniel A. Jenkins
Pacific Palisades, California