Vol. 143 No. 17
Stopping Cancer in Its Tracks
New discoveries about wayward genes and misbehaving proteins show how cells become malignant -- and perhaps how to bring them under control
Art for Al's Sake
Health Report
Informed Sources
Inside Washington
Name That Musical Cliche
No Man Above the Law -- Or Something
That Revision Thing
To the frustration of aides, each day seems to bring a new explanation
The Week April 10-16
They All Laughed -- Not
Winners & Losers
Zhirinovsky Beat
Russia's top ultranationalist, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, enjoyed a springtime visit to France ...
A Little Bombing Is a Dangerous Thing
Despite NATO raids, the Serbs tighten their vise around Gorazde, confounding Clinton and his allies
Deadly Mistaken Identity
How could American warplanes shoot down two U.S. helicopters?
Streets of Slaughter
Tribal bloodlust and political rivalry turn the country into an unimaginable hell of killing, looting and anarchy
The Man From Outer Space
Harvard psychiatrist John Mack claims that tales of UFO abductions are real. But experts and former patients say his research is shoddy.
Time Contents Page April 25, 1994 Vol. 143 No. 17
Magazine Masthead APRIL 25, 1994 VOL. 143 NO. 17
Confounded By the Chinese Puzzle
A prospective arms sale leaves Beijing -- and much of Washington -- mystified about U.S. policy
Recovery for Whom?
(The Economy)
A split-level surge combines new hiring with heavy layoffs, and many incomes stagnate too
Workers Who Fight Firing with Fire
(The Economy)
Not a month goes by without an outburst of violence in the workplace -- now even in flower nurseries, pizza parlors and law offices
One Person, Seven Votes
In Alabama a radical electoral system helps minorities. But is the system fair?
A Tell-All About Calvin
(The Arts & Media / DESIGN)
Fashion's Fall
(The Arts & Media / DESIGN)
If you think clothes have become more silly over the past few seasons, wait until autumn: they'll be worse
(The Arts & Media / MUSIC)
Nine Inch Nails has a fine -- if knee-jerk nihilistic -- new CD
Not Just Another Pretty Face
On screen and off, Hugh Grant drips charm, but he has a wicked side too
Now This Is a Comeback
(The Arts & Media / THEATER)
Who's the hottest playwright all over America today? Pierre de Carlet Chamblain de Marivaux, of course, who died in 1763.
Serial Mom
(The Arts & Media / THEATER)
Diana Rigg finds the quiet within murderous Medea
She Mastered the Art of Losing
Elizabeth Bishop was a great American poet whose work was polished and humane; her letters reveal a life that was less serene
Invincible Man Ralph Ellison 1914-1994
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