Vol. 143 No. 16
A Health Debate That Won't Die
Need a Place to Puff? Hint: Grab Your Passport
The Butt Stops Here
(Cover Stories)
Threatening to snuff out smoking for good, the crusade against tobacco shifts into higher gear
What's All the Fuming About?
Poor smokers: they're the one dysfunctional minority nobody cares about
"Bumstead, You're Downsized!"
A State of Instability $
Ghosts from their pasts torment Chuck Robb and Oliver North in Virginia's bizarre Senate contest
Bill's Revival Hour
(The Administration)
Taking his health-care-reform plan on the road, the President aims to win back some believers
Biosphere Blues
But Is There a Part for Wesley Snipes?
Execution Capital, U.S.A.
Health Report
Informed Sources
Inside Washington
One Steps Down. Who Steps Up?
(The Supreme Court)
The President wants a nominee who can breeze through the Senate. Could it be a Senator?
The Boys of Whitewater
The Week April 3 -9
Winners & Losers
Zhirinovsky Beat
"We Cannot Accept to Be Treated This Way"
(Middle East)
Dangerous Rumors
Suspicions rise over the origin of antiforeigner hostility that provoked assaults on American women
Descent into Mayhem
(Central Africa)
Tribal slaughter erupts in Rwanda, trapping foreigners and forcing the U.S. to send troops to the region
How Scandal Finally Outran the Reformer
He promised to clean up "money politics." But in the end, Hosokawa was felled by his own improprieties.
Peace Postponed
(Middle East)
As violence escalates, Israeli forces prepare to redeploy, but P.L.O. police are yet to be seen in Gaza
Academies Out of Line
(Armed Forces)
Declining enrollment and lost prestige raise concerns about their $1 billion cost to taxpayers
Arms Trade
(Arms Trade)
Wanted to Buy: Do-It-Yourself Nuke Kits
(Arms Trade)
A Stick to Save the Tigers
The U.S. prepares to slap trade sanctions on Taiwan
Tales From The Crypt
Colonial bodies show how hard 17th century life was
The Combination Punch
As if devastating the immune system were not enough, the AIDS virus may also trigger cancer
The Crucial Early Years
A disturbing new report dramatizes the perils facing American children under three -- and calls for action
A Head of the Times
Joe Lelyveld moves up at the nation's premier daily and brings in a surprising old hand as his deputy
Money Angles
Don't Rush for the Exit
Old No. 3 Goes Home
Time Contents Page April 18, 1994 Vol. 143 No. 16
Magazine Masthead April 18, 1994 Vol. 143 No. 16
Can You Blame Him?
(The Economy)
Alan Greenspan, the man who helped trigger the stock slide, now faces questions about his judgment and his political independence
Russian Air Roulette
Service on Aeroflot was once considered just riotously bad. These days, it's getting downright dangerous.
Come on in. No, Stay Out.
(Law Enforcement)
Many Chicago tenants back no-warrant searches of apartments for guns, but a judge orders a halt
A Case for Sherlock Freud
(The Arts & Media / BOOKS)
A fictional serial killer is hunted in 19th century New York City
Did F.D.R. Do Enough?
(The Arts & Media / HISTORY)
Some believe the U.S. failed to save Jews during the Holocaust
Hacienda Melodrama
(The Arts & Media / CINEMA)
The House of the Spirits is stilted and cliched, but fine performances and an honorable gravity give it merit
Never Mind
(The Arts & Media / MUSIC)
Kurt Cobain was the dour, brilliant leader of Nirvana, the multiplatinum grunge band that defined the sound of the 1990s. Last week he killed himself.
Poets in Suicide Sex Shocker!
(The Arts & Media / BOOKS)
Janet Malcolm explores the lurid obsession with Sylvia Plath
(The Arts & Media / CINEMA)
A film explores the curious life of great pianist Glenn Gould
Sultan of Shock
(The Arts & Media / CINEMA)
Somehow the world has become just like a John Waters movie
What's the Diffidence?
(The Arts & Media / BOOKS)
Louis Begley's prose is perfect, but his new book lacks passion
To Our Readers
Helping the Rich Stay That Way