Vol. 142 No. 23
The Assault on Freud
(Cover Story Ideas)
He invented psychoanalysis and revolutionized 20th century ideas about the life of the mind. And this is the thanks he gets?
After the Handshake
Deadly Wastes of War
Baring the Shame
Duty, Honor, Fruits and Vegetables
From the World's Headlines
Go Figure
Gumming Up the Works
How a small but determined group of conservatives is ambushing Clinton's policymaking vanguard
Health Report
I've Looked At Huge Media Mergers From Both Sides Now ...
In Search of a Way Out
As new suspicions build, Senator Packwood considers resignation
Informed Sources Ever Have the Feeling Someone's Watching You?
Informed Soures
Inside Washington a Hidden Benefit of the Nafta Victory
Redesigning a Nation
Secrets Of
(The White House)
Success After his dramatic NAFTA victory, can Bill Clinton use his newfound clout to win bigger battles like health care?
Sorry, I Made It All Up
Rollins claims his tale of vote suppression was just an empty boast
Talk of the Streets
Written in blood, honoring a son, a bizarre caper, and...
The Week November 14-20
The Week November 14-20
Wacko Jacko and the Beanstalk
Winners & Losers
"Four Adjectives in Search of a Noun"
In Seattle, few sour notes emerged as APEC leaders met and proceeded cautiously to cement trade ties
A New "Me Generation"
A Parliament of Poets, Pop Stars and Priests
At the ballot box, Russians will choose from a bizarre array of big-name and no-name candidates
Way Abandoning traditional politics, the Prime Minister muscles through a political reform that points the way toward even more profound change
Slipping Out of Zhu's Squeeze
Beijing backs down on the economic czar's short-term austerity, even as it pushes for medium-term reforms
Striking a Grand Deal
(South Africa)
Mandela and De Klerk shake on a constitution
Top of The Pops
Watch Out for China
It may still call itself communist, but its economy looks more and more capitalist
Nasa's Do-Or-Die Mission
The beleaguered agency goes for broke with a risky flight to repair the Hubble telescope
Lies of the Mind
(Cover Story Behavior)
Repressed-memory therapy is harming patients, devastating families and intensifying a backlash against mental-health practitioners
Confidence Games
How Venezuelan traffickers allegedly colluded with the CIA to smuggle coke into the U.S.
It Came From Outer Space
(Cover Controversy)
The Political Interest Putting Business First
Time International Masthead NOVEMBER 29, 1993 VOL. 142 NO. 23
Time Magazine Contents Page NOVEMBER 29, 1993 VOL. 142 NO. 23
Time Magazine Masthead NOVEMBER 29, 1993 VOL. 142 NO. 23
Traveler's Advisory
A Car by Any Other
Name American-made Chevrolets will be renamed Toyotas and sold in Japan
America's New Competitive Muscle
(The Economy)
Fasten Your Seatbelts
A strike at American foreshadows union turmoil industry-wide
Grinding Down Steel
Plagued with too much plant and too little demand, Europe stumbles over a plan that may cost 60,000 jobs
Timberland Hits Its Stride
The New England shoemaker now must show that its products and its stock are not just fads
Risking political incorrectness, Penn rescinds its speech code
Conduct Unbecoming?
The Pentagon loses a round as the gays-in-the-military controversy heads for the Supreme Court
Chronicling a Filthy 4,000-Year-Old Habit
(The Arts & Media Books)
One of the century's finest military historians surveys warfare as mankind's mystery, temptation and oldest drama
Coming Now to a Kid Near You
(The Arts & Media Video)
MTV throws some shrewd news into the hip-hop mix, and fans around the world think it's, like, totally cool
Fearlessly Offbeat
(The Arts & Media Theater)
The Loman Family Picnic features a wacky surrealism
(The Arts & Media Cinema)
Gangsta Rap, Doggystyle
(The Arts & Media Music)
Snoop Doggy Dogg's eagerly awaited album has bark, bite and irresistible dance grooves
Haynes! Come Back, Haynes!
(The Arts & Media Cinema)
In Clint Eastwood's A Perfect World, Kevin Costner tries to become the father neither he nor his young hostage ever knew
Is Kidnaping for Jesus a Moral Right?
(The Arts & Media Theater)
Whoever the pseudonymous playwright Jane Martin really is, her sizzling Keely and Du captures the abortion enigma
Looking for Mr. Goodfather
(The Arts & Media Cinema)
A painfully correct comedy and a cheerfully subversive one celebrate family values
Meat Loaf's Prime Cuts
(The Arts & Media Music)
The '70s raver is reunited with composer Jim Steinman for a No. 1 album that celebrates sex, drums and rock 'n' roll
Pei's Palace of Art
(The Arts & Media Architecture)
In a historic renovation, the architect brings light and cohesion to the Louvre
Solve It Again, Sam
(The Arts & Media Books)
Veterans of the fictional crime wars show why experience counts
The Great Enunciator
(The Arts & Media Books)
The first of a two-volume biography maps the divided soul of W.E.B. Du Bois
The Tokyo Bombers
(The Arts & Media Books)
A novel is diplomatic about the attack on Pearl Harbor
The Visitors Take Sarasota
(The Arts & Media Cinema)
The French were feeling fine and feisty at one of the world's most congenial film festivals
True (As in Proulx) Grit Wins
(The Arts & Media Books)
After years of laboring in limbo, a tough Vermont novelist comes into her own
Twelve Stories of Solitude
(The Arts & Media Books)
Garcia Marquez sends some innocents abroad to Europe
Urban Blight
(The Arts & Media Theater)
The everyday horrors of city life make for eerie drama
To Our Readers
The Greatest Cold War Myth of All