Vol. 142 No. 19
Better Steve McQueen Than James Darren in Gidget
The fashion world's newest paragon of cool seems to be Steve McQueen in The Thomas Crown Affair
Calling Gergen-San
Clintonism: Trick or Treat?
Health Report
How Much Cheaper Are HMO's?
Informed Sources
Inside Mogadishu
No Thanks for the Memories
A Senator's diary prompts questions of crime, propriety and privacy
Nurse -- a Sedative, Quickly!
Splitting Headaches Better Be Covered
State of Anticipation
(Puerto Rico)
The Caribbean island agonizes over whether to seek admission to the Union
The Week October 24-30
Undiplomatic Parking
Wild Like the Wind
Forces natural and unnatural combine to destroy hundreds of homes and ravage six counties
Winners & Losers
"Yesterday's Man" Charts the Future
After a landslide election victory, Jean Chretien faces separatism, a lame economy and a bare fiscal cupboard
The Crying Game
(Northern Ireland)
After decades of bloodshed and tears, there is still no end in sight to Ulster's agony
War of Nerves At the Nuclear Brink
The U.S. tries secret talks to seek nuclear compliance from North Korea
With Friends Like These
A host of shadowy figures is helping Haiti's military rulers hatch a plot to sideline Aristide permanently
Cloning: Where Do We Draw the Line?
(Cover Science)
Researchers duplicate a human embryo, provoking cries that technology has gone too far
Cloning Classics
They Clone Cattle, Don't They?
"Please Help Us"
(Health Care)
Clinton finally presents his detailed health-care plan, but he faces an uphill fight, thanks to critics in Congress and increasing public opposition
Another Aids Teaser
France's Pasteur Institute touts a breakthrough that could lead to a treatment -- or disappointment
Time Magazine Contents Page NOVEMBER 8, 1993 VOL. 142 NO. 19
Time Magazine Masthead NOVEMBER 8, 1993 VOL. 142 NO. 19
A Builder, Not a Slasher
The man who made Motorola a world-class competitor takes his talents to troubled Kodak
Remember the Deficit?
(The Economy)
While the White House nibbles at it, there are others who would rather take a real whack
The Siren Call of Mutual Funds
The lure of high returns has investors -- pros and amateurs -- plowing record amounts into funds. Both Washington and Wall Street are worried.
They're Hot in the U.S. But Even Hotter Abroad
Warning: Ipo Mania Can Be Costly
The sizzling market in new issues is encouraging lots of companies to go public. Small investors, beware.
Biting His Handlers
An FBI informant's secret tapes raise a troubling issue in the tower-bombing case: Did the bureau screw up?
Clinton's Weird Guy
(The Arts & Media Cinema)
A lively film about the campaign stalks a brightly colored political animal
(The Arts & Media Books)
(The Arts & Media Cinema)
Masters of Their Domain
(The Arts & Media Television)
Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David are sitting atop the sitcom world. Here's an inside look at how they do it.
Not Dancing But Drowning
(The Arts & Media Theater)
The same themes do not make this bleak work a Lughnasa
Sailing Off to the Past
(The Arts & Media Books)
With his 16th novel about two heroes of the Napoleonic Wars, Patrick O'Brian is seeing his ship come in at last
Still Life of Anthony Hopkins
(The Arts & Media Cinema)
In Remains of the Day, he brings power to an opaque portrait of an English butler
The Image Duplicator
(The Arts & Media Art)
At New York's Guggenheim Museum, a splashy retrospective hails the ironies of Pop's cool and ever reliable academic
Float Like a Butterfly, Sting Like...Ali
His role model was the Greatest. Now Riddick Bowe is the champ to look up to: a heavyweight with a sense of mission, a puritanical streak and some solid punch lines.
Ringmaster and Clown Federico Fellini, 1920-1993
To Our Readers
Beloved Nobelist
Letter to an Isolationist