Vol. 142 No. 12
Behind Closed Doors
(Cover Stories)
The inside story of how Bill and Hillary Clinton fashioned the health-care plan. Their own aides often battled over the Clintons' approach
Ready to Operate
(Cover Stories)
Clinton's plan would cover everyone. Here's how it would work and what it will cost you
Health Report
(The Week)
Home of the Brave, Land of the Fee
(The Week)
In the Line of Fire
(The Week)
Informed Sources
(The Week)
It's A Gift to Be Simple
(The Week)
News Digest
(The Week)
One Church, One Pope -- and 20 Popemobiles
(The Week)
Or Forever Hold Your Peace ...
(The Week)
Raw Data
(The Week)
The Crystal Ball
(The Week)
The Morning Line
(The Week)
Vox Pop
(The Week)
Winners & Losers
(The Week)
All Together Now
(Middle East)
Just as Arafat and Rabin liberated their people from a wasteful enmity, Israelis and Palestinians can learn to live side by side and make the region bloom
How Hate Dies
(Middle East)
No globocop can force implacable enemies to cry uncle: they must come to embrace of their own volition
To Prevail Over the Past
(Middle East)
The real rift is no longer between Jew and Arab but betweeen backward-looking and forward-looking people on both sides
Welcome Back!
(South Africa)
A multiracial transition council is agreed to, and the A.N.C. prepares to end sanctions
What Are the Americans Doing?
(South Africa)
Cold Water on Lorenzo's Oil
Research casts doubt on a Hollywood remedy
Blood on the Board
The chess world erupts in its strangest move yet: dueling championships
Gay Parents: Under Fire and on the Rise
As a Virginia lesbian loses custody of her son, gay men and women increasingly assert the virtues of family
Miami's Tourist Trap
A German honeymooner girds for danger and still dies
Playing With His Fingertips
Baseball's Wacky Wild-Card Gimmick
The pennant races may never be the same, as owners tamper with tradition to placate television
A Parachute -- but No Jump Mayday!
When the engine conks, a new system lets pilots and passengers stay aboard and float to safety
Political Interest
Now Comes Clinton's Turn
Advertisements for Themselves In modern huckstering, the celebrities become the product
Time Magazine Contents Page SEPTEMBER 20, 1993 VOL. 142 NO. 12
Time Magazine masthead SEPTEMBER 20, 1993 VOL. 142 NO. 12
Rupert's World
A burst of deals puts Rupert Murdoch in the forefront of media moguls seeking global reach
Adding Up the Under-Skilled
A survey finds nearly half of U.S. adults lack the literacy to cope with modern life
Feminism Under Fire
(Reviews Books)
Good Fellow in Old New York
(Reviews Cinema)
House Rules
(Reviews Books)
Juvenilia On Parade
(Reviews Theater)
Late-Night Mugging
(Reviews Television)
Not Just a One-Tune Man
(Reviews Music)
The Season of the STAND-UPS
On the fall lineup, you don't have to be a star to get a showcase
To The End Of Grunge
(Reviews Rock)
A Letter From the Publisher
(A Letter From The Publisher)
Burt, Loni and Our Way of Life