Monday, Aug. 23, 1993

Informed Sources

Military Brainstorm: Interservice Communication

Washington -- If U.S. forces go into action in Bosnia, they will for the first time carry a sophisticated communications system that allows the Air Force, Navy and Army to talk to one another electronically. During Desert Storm, Air Force pilots couldn't talk by radio, fax or computer to Navy pilots, and ) neither group could communicate directly with Army ground troops. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Colin Powell has been showing off the device to top brass who visit his office. As a general says, "This is far more important than a new tank or an airplane."

Heidi's Other Alleged Enterprises

Los Angeles -- For the past two weeks, Hollywood has been engulfed in speculation about HEIDI FLEISS, the alleged madam to the stars. But aside from investigating the gossip-rich prostitution allegations, Los Angeles police have been closely reviewing other aspects of the case, including possible gambling, extortion and drug trafficking on a large scale.

Moscow's Invisible Hand

Washington -- Moscow officially claims to be neutral in the conflicts brewing in the former Soviet republic of GEORGIA. But U.S. and Georgian intelligence reports show that the Russian army has been providing weapons, detailed intelligence and direct operational military support to Abkhazian separatists fighting the Georgian government. Also, Russian military-intelligence officers have met with opponents of Georgian head of state Eduard Shevardnadze and discussed demonstrations against him that are planned for September.