Monday, Jul. 26, 1993
Wine And Cheese Liberal -- At Taxpayers' Expense!
President Clinton's choice to head the National Endowment for the Humanities, Sheldon Hackney, the president of the University of Pennsylvania, received unanimous support from a Senate committee last week, and his nomination now goes to the full Senate. In hearings, Hackney was mostly questioned about his politically correct policies. Only one Senator asked him about his administration's admitted misspending of nearly $1 million in federal grants earmarked for academic research. Some of the uses for the money:
-- $122,500 for "federal relations" -- in other words, money used to lobby the Federal Government for even more money
-- $58,994 for housekeepers and cleaning supplies for the president's house
-- $11,275 for public relations
-- $5,312 for maintenance and preservation of outdoor sculptures
-- $1,168.20 for the Pan African Nutrition Conference, including $180 for wine
-- $797.12 for wine and cheese
-- $114 for 200 copies of the president's article "The University and Its Community: Past and Present"