Monday, Jul. 05, 1993
Debts Medicare Cuts Won't Cure
Even as they debate the ways to reduce federal borrowing, certain Congressmen have liabilities of their own to worry about, as indicated on their just released financial-disclosure forms.
Rep. Alcee Hastings (D., Fla.)
More than $1.5 million
Unpaid legal fees (impeachment from the federal bench in 1989)
Sen. Dave Durenberger (D., Minn.)
$250,000 to $600,000
Unpaid legal fees (1990 ethics violations, a divorce and paternity suit)
Sen. Mark Hatfield (R., Ore.)
$100,001 to $250,000
Unpaid legal fees (1991 ethics probe)
Rep. Edward Royce (R., Calif.)
$100,001 to $250,000
Loan for investment in Gloria Jean's coffee-bean franchise
Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell (D., Colo.)
$10,001 to $15,000
Credit-union loan to purchase a new Harley-Davidson motorcycle