Vol. 141 No. 22
. . . You Love Me, We're a Happy Senate Committee
(The Week)
Give Me a Home Where Celebrities Roam
(The Week)
Health Report
(The Week)
Informed Sources
(The Week)
May 1993 Bill Clinton's Daily J.F.K. Calendar
(The Week)
News Digest May 16-22
(The Week)
Return of the Lions
In the battle over taxes and health care, a handful of Senators will determine Clinton's success -- or failure
Shear Dismay
(The White House)
For Bill Clinton, little things like a fancy haircut and a tempest in his travel office loom large
The 10 Most Powerful People in Washington
(The Week)
The Morning Line
(The Week)
The Politics of What?
(The White House)
The Sacred and the Profane
(The Week)
The Week
(The Week)
The Week
(The Week)
Vox Pop
(The Week)
Winners & Losers
(The Week)
Diplomacy Of Terror
When requesting foreign loans, Tehran sounds reasonable, but the West insists that the Islamic republic still uses murder and lies as tools of statecraft
Pol Pot Power
As Cambodians try to vote freely for the first time in three decades, the Khmer Rouge are again the country's gravest peril
Rafsanjani's Advice to the "Great Satan"
Iran's powerful leader talks about Clinton, U.S. support of Israel and the campaign to kill Salman Rushdie
A Cause of Her Own
(Health Care)
Brave New Babies
In three landmark experiments involving gene therapy, doctors try to cure a rare hereditary disease
E Is for Eluding Heart Disease
New studies show that big daily doses of the vitamin may dramatically cut the risk of clogged arteries
What Price Mental Health?
(Health Care)
President Clinton aims to guarantee coverage to all Americans, but the cost could be astronomical
Kevorkian Speaks His Mind
(Cover Society)
Rx For Death
(Cover Society)
Sisters Of Mercy
(Cover Society)
A few months after Sue Weaver went to Kevorkian to end her life, her sisters talked to TIME about how they came to respect that decision
Orgies On-Line
It's spring on the computer networks, and X-rated sexual fantasies are busting out all over
Spectator: Does Connie Chung Matter?
The nation, between Cronkite going and Reagan coming, started abandoning the nightly-news ritual
The Political Interest It's the Job, Stupid
The Presidency When Giants Ruled
Time Magazine Contents Page MAY 31, 1993 VOL. 141 NO. 22
Time Magazine masthead MAY 31, 1993 VOL. 141 NO. 22
Building The On Ramp to the Electronic Highway
A $2.5 billion deal may launch an era of cooperation between phone and cable firms
The Man with the Midas Touch
Robin Hood or robber baron? The two faces of superspeculator GEORGE SOROS, who humbles central banks as he strives to save Eastern Europe
A Lawyer on The Lam
(Reviews Books)
Basic Instigation? Indecent Disposal?
(Show Business)
Boarded-Up Glocca Morra
(Reviews Books)
Gonzo Screenwriter
(Show Business)
With Sliver, feisty Joe Eszterhas again courts success -- and controversy
Playing With Fire
(Reviews Music)
Surprise! Films Shine at Cannes
The celebrity circus is upstaged by the best batch of entries in recent memory -- except from Hollywood
The Ire of Eire In Trinidad
(Reviews Theater)
The Networks Come Home
After much tinkering, programmers rediscover family entertainment
Words Sliced And Diced
(Reviews Music)
From the Publisher
(From The Publisher)
The Cultural Right Is Here to Stay