Vol. 141 No. 17
A Possible Silver Lining in South Africa
Airlift Overwork
Bomb The Serbs?
Brave New Birth Control
Commander Hillary
Cries Of Relief
(Los Angeles)
Two verdicts of guilty in the Rodney King beating case left a city -- and a nation -- hoping that racial harmony might begin to return to L.A.
Damned Lies and Statistics
Fury in The Cellblock
(The Week: Nation)
A riot at an Ohio prison turns into a tense and deadly hostage drama
Now Comes Porklock
(The Administration)
After ignoring cries of "Too much fat!" from the G.O.P. and voters, Clinton must break the gridlock and back down on his stimulus package
The Recovery: Starting to Fade
(The Administration)
The Shrinking Ten Percent
A new national survey claiming that only 1% of men are gay has put the movement off stride
The Verdict's Aftermath
(The Week: Nation)
Vat Is This Thing Called VAT?
(The Week: Nation)
Clinton's aides push a tax he said wouldn't happen this decade
Vox Pop
Where There's Smoke, There's Fliers
Yes, No Progress
(The Week: Nation)
Clinton and Japan's Miyazawa agree to improve relations -- later
"The President is not up to his job"
Aristide Offers to Deal
(The Week World)
But the military rebuffs political amnesty from Haiti's exiled President
Change Of Signals
(The Week World)
Israel admits a new peace-talks player, but delay looms
Coup De Grace
(The Week World)
The plotters who tried to overthrow Gorbachev finally go on trial
No Target Too Young
(The Week World)
A savage Serbian bombardment presages Srebrenica's fall
Not The Mourning He Would Have Wanted
(The Week World)
Enraged at a leader's death, South African blacks go on a violent spree
Srebrenica Succumbs
The fall of a fated town deepens the Balkans' tragedy and shames a spectating world
The All-China Summit
(The Week World)
Beijing and Taipei will talk about inching closer together
The Last Hurrah?
No matter how many votes Yeltsin gets in next week's referendum, he will not have a mandate
To Russia With Strings
(The Week World)
The Group of Seven pieces together a $28 billion aid package for Moscow
Where Does the Money Go?
(The Week World)
Who Was Left Behind?
A newly discovered document fuels the argument over the fate of American POWs
Behind the Magic of Jurassic Park
A team of Hollywood techno-wizards set out to "bring 'em back alive"
Rewriting the Book on Dinosaurs
Forget what you knew: they weren't necessarily cold-blooded or pea-brained, and may not really be extinct
Aids From an M.D.?
(The Week Health & Science)
Not likely, say three studies of HIV-positive doctors and their patients
Save The Ozone!
(The Week Health & Science)
Man-made chemicals keep dissolving earth's shield against UV rays
Spotting Good Genes
(The Week Health & Science)
Symmetrical whisker dots may be a reliable clue -- at least in male lions
The Fungus Among Us
(The Week Health & Science)
Hold that fork! The mushroom in your salad could be a (very) distant relative
Amy Fisher's Revenge
(The Week: Society)
A grand jury says it's Joey Buttafuoco's turn to face the music
Judging It by Its Cover
(The Week: Society)
A murder victim's image sells books until a federal court says, "Enough!"
Never Forget
In all its grimness, Washington's controversial Holocaust museum is a necessary, civilizing memorial
One Shot: Jackpot
(The Week: Society)
Prestige Prize
(The Week: Society)
1993's Pulitzer winners tell moving tales of war and loss
Sorry, Tom
(The Week: Society)
The End Is Near?
Koresh says he will surrender when he finishes a treatise on the Book of Revelation, but no one is holding his breath
The Few, the Not Guilty
(The Week: Society)
The Purloined Letters
NIH scientists thought they could prove whether a biographer accused of plagiarism was guilty or not. They used a computer and raised more questions than answers.
Wasted Youth
(The Week: Society)
More students are starting to use drugs and sniff glue at an early age
Is Nike Getting Too Big for Its Shoes?
Concern is growing that the sportswear firm's lavish endorsement deals give it undue power and influence
The Political Interest Tap Israel to Help Russia
Time Magazine Contents Page APRIL 26, 1993 VOL. 141 NO. 17
A Retail Drop Gets Lost in the Spin Cycle
(The Week: Business)
March's consumer spending decline becomes an improbable political prop
Off and Humming
Driven by fear of draconian environmental laws, carmakers are finally getting serious about electric cars
Testing the Waters
As states and the FDA crack down, bottlers of "nature's beverage" are awash in controversy
Zirconia Futures
(The Week: Business)
Dive The original wizard of TV shopping struggles with a kickback scandal
A.C.L.U. -- Not All That Civil
When Hate Makes a Fist
When does a crime become a hate crime? The Supreme Court deals with criminals who add insult to injury.
From The True Hot Heart
(Reviews Music)
Murder Is Their Business
(Reviews Books)
Short Takes
The Fire in Her Eyes
(Reviews Cinema)
Three Men in A Hearse
(Reviews Theater)
From the Publisher
(From The Publisher)
Who's Afraid of The Big Bad Bang?