Vol. 141 No. 16
(Formerly) Red Ink
And Now the Numbers
(The Week: Nation)
Clinton's first official budget reveals more shifts than cuts
Between Rock 'n' Roll and a Hard Place
City Hall Free-For-all
(Los Angeles)
Clinton Goes Acourtin'
Dear Mr. and Ms. President . . .
Indecent Proposal
Process of Elimination
(The Week: Nation)
Putting Justice in the Dock
(Los Angeles)
With more at stake than a courtroom verdict, both sides in the Rodney King trial made stronger cases
Radical Surgery
(The Administration)
Steered by a reformer who ponders every option, Clinton's health-care plan stresses freedom of choice
Reading, Writing, 'Rithmetic, Rage
The City of Worried Angels
(The Week: Nation)
The Rodney King case goes to the jury, and Angelenos bite their nails
The Most Dangerous Game
The Other Videotape
(Los Angeles)
The Write Stuff
To Be Or Not to Be . . . a Supreme
(The Week: Nation)
Unhealed Wounds
(Los Angeles)
Once so promising, America's second largest city now lives in the grip of racial tension, red ink and cynicism
Vox Pop
Waco's False Spring
(The Week: Nation)
A thaw in negotiations with Koresh appears to be only temporary
A Martyr for the Young Lions
(South Africa)
The murder of an A.N.C. hero edges South Africa's volatile black youths closer to war
Cabinet Work
(The Week World)
After the political maneuvering, Japan gets a new Foreign Minister
Excessive Force
(The Week World)
A U.S. Marine is court-martialed for shooting a Somali teenager
Fujimori's Trophy
(The Week World)
Peru's President locks Shining Path's Guzman away for life
Goodbye to The Godzilla Myth
As Miyazawa arrives in the U.S., he leaves a country that is anything but an all-devouring juggernaut
Prime Targets
(The Week World)
Russia's Lethal Hot Potatoes
(The Week World)
An explosion awakens haunting memories of Chernobyl
Stirring Bad Blood
(The Week World)
Armenians and Azeris go to war again, drawing international ire
Stymied Again
(The Week World)
Trouble For Sure
(The Week World)
Iraq opens fire on U.S. aircraft patrolling the no-fly zone
What's in a Name?
(The Week World)
When Enough is Enough
Fed up with corruption, Italians now have a chance to revamp their political system
Nasa's Plea: Help!
The shuttle finally flew, but the beleaguered U.S. space agency still needs a boost from its old rivals the Russians
The Waterworks Flu
A tiny parasite gets the blame for making thousands of Milwaukeeans miserable
Bubble Boy's Secret
(The Week Health & Science)
A rare gene may lead to discoveries about the immune system
Good News for Yews
(The Week Health & Science)
Hyperactive Heredity
(The Week Health & Science)
Scientists find a genetic cause for the distractive disorder
Lower Pb = Higher IQ
(The Week Health & Science)
Researchers say cleansing kids of lead makes a difference
Unsafe on Any Continent
(The Week Health & Science)
Camp For Crusaders
After 12 weeks of training in the ABCs of protest, antiabortion activists prepare to teach others what they have learned
Cbs's Loss: Nbc's Lack
(The Week: Society)
Fighting Fear In Florida
(The Week: Society)
The brutal murder of a tourist alarms foreign visitors -- and locals as well
Frontier Justice
(The Week: Society)
An angry mother takes a child-molesting case into her own hands
On Coming Close, So Close
(American Scene)
When it really counted, Bobby Shivar's best shot wasn't quite worth a million
Quick Exit
(The Week: Society)
Seeking The Roots of Violence
The search for biological clues to crime is igniting a brutal political controversy
The Way Balls Bounce
(The Week: Society)
Two spectacular athletes epitomize the highs and lows of March Madness
Time Magazine Contents Page APRIL 19, 1993 VOL. 141 NO. 16
Time Magazine masthead APRIL 19, 1993 VOL. 141 NO. 16
(The Week: Business)
Not Exactly an Order . . .
(The Week: Business)
Yet Regulators request a recall of GM's pickups, citing "increased risk"
Taking Stock
(The Week: Business)
A new accounting rule restrains a favorite form of executive pay
Boughten Boyhood
(Reviews Books)
Corporate Punishment
(Reviews Theater)
Hello Again, Mary Jane
Pot culture is back, as rockers and rappers are singing the praises of marijuana
In A Rare Interview, Ovitz Defends His Power
(Show Business)
Le Cirque Fantastique
(Reviews Show Business)
Memoir into Melodrama
Memory, Too, Is an Actor
On the screen, writer Tobias Wolff sees himself reinvented one more time
New Sounds, New Grooves
(Reviews Music)
Promises Unpacked
(Reviews Books)
Short Takes
The Greatest Story Ever Sold
Dramatically wobbly and theologically muddled, a French extravaganza on the life of Jesus begins a North American tour
The Ultimate Mogul
(Show Business)
Is Michael Ovitz getting too powerful? The Hollywood agent's new deal stirs up a controversy about his many roles.
From the Publisher
(From The Publisher)
Visiting A Place Called Hope