Monday, Apr. 12, 1993
End of The Streak
PRESIDENT CLINTON NO LONGER HAS AN UNDEFEATED record in Congress. A Republican filibuster in the Senate derailed his $16.3 billion economic stimulus plan, which Democrats claim would create 500,000 jobs. Clinton could count on just over 50 votes to bust the filibuster, well short of the 60 required.
The President raged that the Republicans were casting "votes for paralysis." Unfazed, G.O.P. leaders retorted that the spending bill, which steamed through the House last month, was an old-fashioned "tax and spend" bill larded with pork. "The American people are going to look at gridlock as a very favorable thing before too much time goes by," said Republican Senator John Chafee of Rhode Island.
Late Friday, majority leader George Mitchell angrily postponed the Senate's Easter recess. But Republicans vowed to hold out until the Democrats give up more than half the proposed spending package, including $500 million for the popular Head Start program for children.