Vol. 141 No. 12
Can Animals Think?
(Cover Story)
After years of debate, ingenious new studies of dolphins, apes and other brainy beasts are convincing many scientists that the answer is yes
Not-So-Stupid Pet Tricks
(Cover Story)
America's Most Wanted
Anarchy: The Final Frontier
Another Budget Game: Can You Top This?
(The Week: Nation)
But this time, Democrats vie to see who can cut spending the most
At Last, a Full Cabinet
(The Week: Nation)
Janet Reno breezes to confirmation as the first female Attorney General
Besieging The Messiah
(The Week: Nation)
The wait outside a cult compound in Texas drags into a third week
Blizzard Conditions
(The Week: Nation)
Calling All Senators
Early Warning
Read My Ships
Revenge of The Tourists
Rodney King, Live
(The Week: Nation)
The central figure in the L.A. police trial testifies for the prosecution
The Week Nation
(The Week: Nation)
We Aren't the World
Bombs In Bombay
(The Week World)
Twelve explosions tear through the city, killing more than 300
Bye-Bye Ballots
(The Week World)
Elections in Cambodia will proceed but without the Khmer Rouge
Death in The Mosque
(The Week World)
23 are killed as Egyptian police stage raids against Muslim militants
Giant Pitch
(The Week World)
Inspection Lockout
(The Week World)
North Korea withdraws from the nuclear nonproliferation treaty
Right Shows Might Germany's
(The Week World)
Republikaners challenge the mainstream political parties
Swiss Ms.
(The Week World)
What the West Can and Cannot Do
(The Kremlin)
Who Rules Russia?
(The Kremlin)
In a brutal struggle for power, parliament reins in Yeltsin and imperils the course of his economic and political reforms
Yeltsin Loses Twice
(The Week World)
In a Power Showdown Congress tries to strip his authority and rejects a Russia-wide vote
Beating Swordmakers into Plowmakers
Cutting Close to Home
The base closings affect the entire nation, but one Congressman's district got hit by a surgical strike.
The $400 Bomb
New arrests and a hot money trail lead investigators to wonder who else might be behind the Tower bombing
Big Gamble in Space
A shuttle mission aims to save the Hubble telescope -- and NASA's reputation
Faster Than a Speeding Bullet
Are Some People Immune to AIDS?
An amazing group of men, who have thrived with HIV for more than a decade, may reveal how to beat it
Balloon Power
(The Week Health & Science)
New evidence cites angioplasty as the better way to treat heart attacks
Batteries With Bounce
(The Week Health & Science)
A rubbery power cell may be the answer for electric vehicles
Better Treatment, Longer Lives
Forced Quarantine
(The Week Health & Science)
Operation Hillary
(Health Care)
The First Lady is discovering whether the best way to reform health care is to put the smartest people in a big room and pull a lot of all-nighters
The Week Health & Science
(The Week Health & Science)
Alas, Slavery Lives
(The Week: Society)
A new report details a world still plagued by human bondage
Attention, Giants Fans!
(The Week: Society)
San Francisco makes history by hiring the first woman announcer
Mitigating Circumstances
(The Week: Society)
No Comment
(The Week: Society)
One Doctor Down, How Many More?
Prey to harassment, arson and now murder, abortion clinics are easy targets for militants
The Archbishop's Sins
(The Week: Society)
A top Hispanic-American cleric confesses to sexual improprieties
Thou Shalt Not Kill
With three pops of a handgun, two men who did not seem destined to co-star in a national morality play suddenly became fused in violence
The Political Interest Life After High School
Time Magazine Contents Page March 22, 1993 Volume 141 No. 12
Time Magazine Masthead March 22, 1993 Volume 141 No. 12
Clinton To Bankers: Lenders Be
(The Week: Business)
The President asks an industry with record profits to share the wealth
Dressing for Success?
(The Week: Business)
Getting the Message
(The Week: Business)
King of The Street
(The Week: Business)
Sandy Weill's megadeal with American Express augurs a brokerage war
Peddling Power For Profit
Big names and political connections prove a bankable asset for a growing Washington investment firm
A Fiesta of Whining
Preachy and political, the Whitney Biennial celebrates sodden cant and cliche
A Journey into Moral Chaos
(Reviews Theater)
A Series of Dreams
(Reviews Music)
Barbarians on The Screen
A high-finance best seller comes to the tube with the greed and nastiness intact, and much of the drama too
Downtown Pleasures
(Reviews Television)
If Not the Jetsons, What?
Educational shows will work only if everyone stops treating them like spinach
Misty About Baseball
(Reviews Books)
Short Takes
From the Publisher
(From The Publisher)
Apocalypse, With And Without God