Monday, Jan. 25, 1993
How Dare They!
Hollywood's been good to Clinton, so it makes sense that the Clinton team would bend over backward to accommodate Hollywood at the Inaugural. But with more than 300,000 places to juggle, a few bruised egos were inevitable -- setting gossip columns abuzz with rumors of supposed slights and rebuffs. Kim Basinger and Robert De Niro, who stumped for the campaign, did not initially receive invitations. Kathleen Turner phoned asking to come but did not have her calls returned. When Geena Davis first offered to perform, same story. Bette Midler was asked to sing but -- good heavens! -- was not invited to any parties. By far the most egregious insult was suffered by Paula Abdul. After losing a bid to perform at the Presidential Gala, Abdul was instead requested to appear at the Salute to Youth. Her response: That's not good enough.