Monday, Dec. 28, 1992

Paddy Power

The action, however heartfelt and furious, was probably futile. Japanese rice farmers drove their tractors down Tokyo's Ginza to protest the opening of Japan's closed rice market. With the U.S. and the European Community (except France) now in accord on agricultural products at the gatt talks, Japan must either sign on or risk losing trade access. Moreover, Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa has hinted at a shift, warning that Japan "must avoid at all costs those things which might endanger the successful conclusion of the GATT talks."

The government claims that the ban exists to ensure Japan's food security in the event of a disaster. The real reason is that the ruling Liberal Democratic Party is deeply indebted to the powerful farmers' lobby, which wants to protect domestic rice prices, which are six times as high as those in some other countries.