Vol. 140 No. 25
Great Expectations
(Cover Stories)
As Operation Restore Hope begins, Somalis want the U.S. to stay long enough to fix not just their diet but also their society
It Takes More Than Food to Cure STARVATION
(Cover Stories)
The biology of malnutrition makes rehabilitation difficult, and for children it often means lasting scars
Today, Somalia ... . . .
(Cover Stories)
Tomorrow, why not Bosnia? The success of Bush's mission could put pressure on Clinton to intervene elsewhere.
Bill And Hillary's New Year's Eve
Briefing Odor Free
(The Week: Nation)
Et Cetera
(The Week: Nation)
Those Tapes Again
Et Cetera
(The Week: Nation)
To the Victors ...
How Hoffa Haunts the Teamsters
Ron Carey promised to clean up the union. So why is he sounding as defiant as the old boss?
Nasty Boys, Nasty Time
No Longer Home Alone
(The Week: Nation)
Clinton announces the first round of appointees, and an eclectic bunch it is
Plunging Ashore into Blazing -- TV Lights?
(The Week: Nation)
The U.S.-led intervention in Somalia gets off to a relatively peaceful start
Revolving-Door Jam
(The Week: Nation)
The new Administration unveils tighter rules on lobbying
Stamps Of Disapproval
A federal probe into alleged campaign-fund abuses focuses on one of Congress's most influential budget decision makers -- and one of Clinton's most powerful allies
Such Good Friends
The More Things Change
The Nasty Nor'easter
(The Week: Nation)
A huge, howling storm sweeps across the U.S. and lashes the East Coast
Trouble From Home
Vox Pop
Win One, Lose One
(The Week: Nation)
Iran-contra prosecutors convict Clair George but fail on Poindexter
Word Watch
"Holy Work" Destroys All Peace in India
(The Week World)
The razing of a mosque ignites riots that pose the worst crisis since 1947
Back On Track
After the constitutional referendum, the threat of national disintegration has dissipated. A TIME panel of experts sees a dramatically different future ahead.
Et Cetera
(The Week World)
A Wall of Death
Et Cetera
(The Week World)
Ballot Protest
Kremlin Compromise To quiet obstreperous Deputies, Yeltsin triggers a referendum
(The Week World)
Regal Separation
(The Week World)
Splitting up a marriage made in Camelot can be a royal headache
Second Look
(The Week World)
There are plans afoot for new moves into Bosnia and Macedonia
Selective Refuge
(The Week World)
Germany's main parties reach agreement on a new asylum policy
The Euro-Train Is Late
(The Week World)
E.C. leaders paper over differences with outdated Maastricht timetables
The New Royal Watch:
Waiting for Wills Charles and Diana separate officially, but the announcement raises more problems than it solves
The Unholy War
Militant Hindus demolish an ancient mosque -- and threaten to tear down democracy in the process
Fear of The Big Whopper
(The Week Health & Science)
Scientists debate earth's vulnerability to asteroids -- then and now
Look, Ma, No Cable!
(The Week Health & Science)
The FCC gives a tentative green light to video via microwave
TB's Return
(The Week Health & Science)
Health officials say it's time to shut down the resurgent killer
Bill's Dream Team Of Supersalesmen
(The Transition)
Clinton reassures the markets by naming Establishment figures to top economic jobs. But the President-elect still plans policies to prime the pump.
Time Magazine Contents Page
December 21, 1992 Vol. 140 No. 25
Time Magazine Masthead
December 21, 1992 Vol. 140 No. 25
Worst-Kept Secrets
(The Transition)
Clinton's transition team is leaking like a sieve, but there's a little method in the madness
Donna Inc. With talent, drive and a willingness to break the rules, Donna Karan has made a distinctive mark as a designer and built a formidable apparel empire
Et Cetera
(The Week: Business)
Solid Defense
Even Icahn Gets The Blues
(The Week: Business)
The financier gives up control of ailing TWA, and Iacocca mulls a rerun
Father Knows Best
(The Week: Business)
The SEC nails the son of a corporate baron for insider trading
The Week Business
(The Week: Business)
The Week Business
(The Week: Business)
What Makes This School Work?
Malcolm X Elementary has everything going against it -- except the commitment that may be changing students' lives. Or even saving them.
Cheerless NBC Drops a Top Show and Could Lose
(The Week Culture)
Letterman, its late-night franchise
Days Of Blood And Roses
(Reviews Books)
Kid-Lit Capers
An edible sky, a talking dog and other delights for young imaginations
Mademoiselle Saigon
(Reviews Cinema)
Short Takes
Adults wince, but a giant huggable dinosaur is all the rage on children's TV and at America's toy counters
The Baseball Barons' Bread and Circuses
(The Week Culture)
The sport's owners contend with hard times, racism and sudden death
The Wooing of David Letterman
(Show Business)
Rival CBS makes the top bid for the NBC star, who was passed over for the job of Tonight show host. Now his network must persuade him to stay or see him become a competitor.
Torn From Body and Soul
(Reviews Music)
Two More for The Road
(Reviews Dance)
From the Publisher
(From The Publisher)
Sometimes, Right Makes Might