Vol. 140 No. 22
Separate Lives
(Cover Story)
Diana is ready to declare independence, putting in doubt the future of the troubled House of Windsor
A Mind-Set Under Siege
(U.S. Military)
Plans to open the armed services to admitted homosexuals and allow women in combat prompt hard thinking about the meaning of manhood
Above The Fray
(The Week: Nation)
The White House wasn't involved in the passport scandal . . . technically
Cat Counseling
Clinton's First Fire Fight
(U.S. Military)
Cops On Trial
(The Week: Nation)
Four Detroit policemen face charges for the death of a black motorist
Et Cetera
(The Week: Nation)
Those Tapes Again
Forward Spin
Move Over, M.B.A.s
Now, That's Networking
Stepping into The Washington Whirl
(The Week: Nation)
The President-elect makes the rounds of a city he's about to call home
The Foreigner-Tax Folly
Clinton's plan to raise $45 billion from non-U.S. companies is a pipe dream, economists say, and reflects a shortsighted view of outside investment
The Week Nation
(The Week: Nation)
They Just Don't Get It
Threatening A Letter
Vox Pop
Et Cetera
(The Week World)
Dirty Tricks
Hafez Assad: Land Before Peace
(The Middle East)
Hanoi Show-and-Tell
(The Week World)
To prove there are no POWs, Vietnam showers Senators with grisly artifacts
Lowering The Boom
(The Week World)
The U.N. stiffens sanctions against Yugoslavia, but to what end?
Making Amends On Asylum
(The Week World)
Germany's Social Democrats give in to a compromise on political refugees
Signals From Two Old Foes
(The Middle East)
In interviews with TIME, Syria's President and Israel's Prime Minister discuss their hopes, fears, doubts and differences regarding peace negotiations between nations that have been bitter enemies for
Silence Is Not Golden
(The Week World)
Mafia turncoats are responsible for the latest bust of bosses
Unsettling Remarks
(The Week World)
Beijing's anti-democracy attacks finally shake the Hong Kong markets
Warning Shot
(The Week World)
A vote on Panama's army turns into a referendum on the President
Yitzak Rabin: Peace Before Land
(The Middle East)
Leaky Sanctions
(The Balkans)
The embargo against Yugoslavia is tightening, but the wrong people are hurting, and the prospects for peace are no better
Subterranean Secrets
Though dark, dank and dangerous, caves are proving to be ideal labs for learning about evolution, pollution and even hidden oil
Cleaner Dry Cleaners
(The Week Health & Science)
An experiment gets under way to replace a widely used solvent, perc
Et Cetera
(The Week Health & Science)
Can't Trust That Day
Et Cetera
(The Week Health & Science)
Fish Hunks
Making A Profit From Self-Referrals
(The Week Health & Science)
Ownership of clinics by doctors is helping run up the U.S. medical bill
Befuddled by Women
(The Week: Society)
After a nine-year effort, U.S. Catholic bishops reject a controversial decree
Serving Justice a Blow
(The Week: Society)
Who leaked the prosecutors' battle plan for the trial of the L.A. cops?
Telling Catholics What They Believe
(The Week: Society)
The first worldwide catechism in four centuries boosts papal conservatism
The Week Society
(The Week: Society)
Zone, Sweet Zone
(The Week: Society)
A federal judge orders Miami to create arrest-free homeless havens
The Lioness in Winter
At 36, having transformed sports for women, tennis star Martina Navratilova is managing her decline just as she managed her career: adroitly and outspokenly
Clinton's People
(The Transition)
A Foreign Policy Puritan On the farm, teaching, and in government, TONY LAKE blends realism with idealism
Clinton's People
(The Transition)
Altar Boy at the Power Center Self-effacing GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS is one of the savviest communicators in the business
Mr. Clinton Goes to Washington
(The Transition)
The President-elect touched all the right bases in his victory lap around the capital, but his visit showed that the struggle over his body and soul is just beginning
The Presidency
Tidings of Sadness and Loss
Time Magazine Contents Page
November 30, 1992 Vol. 140 No. 22
Time Magazine Masthead
November 30, 1992 Vol. 140 No. 22
Auto Pileup
(The Week: Business)
Despite a switch in drivers, gremlins still torment General Motors
Et Cetera
(The Week: Business)
Lights Out, Workaholics
Finding Ways to Skin the Grape
(The Week: Business)
A deal on European agriculture should clear the way for GATT
Over To You
(The Week: Business)
Washington's approval of an airline deal invites foreign carriers to reciprocate
The Week Business
(The Week: Business)
Was GM Reckless?
The troubled automaker is accused of ignoring an unsafe gas-tank design
A Musical Hit For London
(Reviews Theater)
A Twice-Told Fairy Tale
(Reviews Cinema)
Jumpin'Jack Flash
(Reviews Books)
Shock Jock
(Show Business)
Howard Stern is shaking up radio -- and the FCC -- with his raunchy, racist, in-your-face talk, but listeners seem to love it
Short Takes
Sounds Of The Season
(Reviews Music)
The X Factor
More than just a movie, Spike Lee's Malcolm X is a pop-culture sensation and an inspiration to blacks
From the Publisher
(From The Publisher)
The Conservatives' Morning After