Monday, Nov. 16, 1992

The Tea Leaves Were Wrong

THE NEW HAMPSHIRE PRIMARY: Since 1952 no one has won the White House without first winning this contest -- until now.

BORDEAUX QUALITY: A bad vintage year (and this is) usually means a Republican victory.

STRAW POLL: When movie-goers bought popcorn at General Cinema theaters, they were asked to vote by picking a straw (red for Clinton, white for Perot or blue for Bush). Film fans gave Clinton 40%, Bush 34.7%, and Perot 25.3%.

THE WEEKLY READER POLL: Right every time since 1956 -- until now. In September its school-aged readers picked Bush by a large margin.

LEFTIES: Lefthanded incumbents have never been reelected. All three candidates this year are southpaws, so look for a one-term Clinton presidency.

CROOK COUNTY, OREGON: For the first time since the county lines were drawn in 1882, voters here were wrong about a presidential election: they picked Bush.

THE WORLD SERIES: In eight of the past 11 elections, an American League victory presaged a Republican victory, an N.L. win a Democractic coup. Despite Toronto's win, baseball's average drops to .667.