Thursday, Oct. 15, 1992

The Future Poll

If you had to predict, which of the following do you think are likely to occur in the 21st century?

-- Scientists will find a cure for AIDS 75%

-- Scientists will find a cure for cancer 80%

-- Scientists will find a cure for the common cold 39%

-- The average American will live to be 100 57%

-- A woman will be President of the U.S. 76%

-- A black will be President of the U.S. 76%

-- Automobiles will no longer run on gasoline 75%

-- Computers will be as smart as humans and have personalities like humans 44%

-- Humans will make regular trips to other planets 43%

-- Beings who live on other planets will come in contact with us 32%

-- There will be one world government ruling the entire planet 22%

-- There will be one worldwide religion 11%

Compared with the 20th century, do you think the 21st century will have more:

-- Wars 32%

-- Environmental disasters 59%

-- Poverty 61%

-- Disease 53%

-- Hope for the future 62%

Which country will be the greatest threat to the U.S.'s dominant position in world affairs in the 21st century?

Japan 22%

Russia 14%

China 13%

Iraq 7%

Germany 7%

Will the Second Coming of Jesus Christ occur sometime in the next thousand years?

Yes 53%

No 31%

Will religion play a greater role in the lives of people in this country after the year 2000?

Greater 55%

Lesser 37%

Do you think the world will be in better shape at the end of the 21st century than it is today?

Better 41%

Worse 32%

About the same 15%

Which of each pair has had the most impact on the course of history in the past thousand years?

Printing press 47%

Television 51%

Christopher Columbus 65%

Neil Armstrong 33%

Thomas Edison 55%

Albert Einstein 41%

Beethoven 58%

The Beatles 39%

American Revolution 46%

World War II 50%

Electricity 79%

Automobile 17%

Abraham Lincoln 59%

Martin Luther King Jr. 36%

Mikhail Gorbachev 57%

Karl Marx 35%

Gunpowder 41%

Nuclear weapons 56%


CREDIT: From a telephone poll of 800 adult Americans taken for TIME/CNN on July 22-23 by Yankelovich Clancy Shulman. Sampling error is plus or minus 3.5%.

TIME Graphics by Joe Lertola