Vol. 140 No. 15
Head to Head
(Cover Stories)
In a TIME exclusive, top advisers for Bush and Clinton square off in a feisty exchange over whose plan is more likely to fix the broken economy
Perot's Number Two
(Cover Stories)
Shock Treatment
(Cover Stories)
Perot's budget proposal wins raves for its honesty, but many economists fear the timing is wrong
Three-Ring Circus
(Cover Stories)
Perot's return -- and the specter of trilateral debates -- jolts a race that was looking like a Clinton blowout. But will the final results change?
Who's in Charge Here?
(Cover Stories)
Having burned his bridges with the professionals that ran his earlier campaign, Perot now calls his own shots with the help of hand-picked cronies
Are You Out There, Ross?
As GM Goes . . .
Don't Want to Talk About It
Et Cetera
(The Week: Nation)
Friendly Fire
Et Cetera
(The Week: Nation)
Temporary Relief
Film At 11
Film At 11
Hot Potatoes
(The Week: Nation)
The Democrats keep tossing touchy bills at the White House
Last Call
(The Week: Nation)
Pork-Barrel Defense Policy
The 33-Day Three-Legged Race
(The Week: Nation)
Perot's back in, the debates are on, and the campaign pace picks up
Vox Pop
Where's Jimbo?
Who's On Trial?
(The Week: Nation)
The cover-up defense in an Iraqgate trial gets its day in court
(The Week World)
Follow The Money
(The Week World)
Operation Green Ice breaks up the Cali cartel's financial network
It's Official: The System Works
(The Week World)
Brazil impeaches its President and will try him on charges of corruption
Psst! Want to Buy A Factory?
(The Week World)
Russia's program to issue shares in its economy gets off to a tepid start
Talks, At A Price
(The Week World)
A deal freeing terrorists brings the A.N.C. back to the table South Africa.
The Wet-Clay Protest
(Middle East)
As the peace talks progress, a fresh union of Palestinian rejectionists hardens its efforts to demolish the negotiations
Murder At Ugar Gorge
(The Balkans)
One lucky survivor recounts to TIME a Bosnian tale of horror -- the summary execution of more than 200 Muslims
The Green Factor
Does protecting the planet destroy jobs? Bush says yes, Clinton says no, and their running mates fight it out on the stump
A Question of Color
(The Week Health & Science)
Treatable ills cause the gaps in U.S. infant-mortality rates
Building A Better Keyboard
Crippled by Computers
As more U.S. workers spend their days at keyboards, hand injuries and lawsuits are multiplying
How the West Was Cooked
Minimaps For Human Cells
(The Week Health & Science)
Scientists provide the first guides to two chromosomes
Some Like It Hot
The virile chile -- the food that bites back -- has branded itself deep into America's palate
Tilting At Sacred Cows
(The Week Health & Science)
A group of doctors bad-mouth milk, shaking up parents and pediatricians
Where Have You Been?
(The Week Health & Science)
Late by about a decade, a missing comet finally streaks into view
Back To Bakke
(The Week: Society)
Berkeley's law school agrees to change its admissions procedures
Et Cetera
(The Week: Society)
Death Sentence
Finishing Line Always Royal
(The Week: Society)
(The Week: Society)
School Of Hard Knocks
(The Week: Society)
Some stations have pretty liberal definitions of educational television
Your Money Or Their Lives
Patient advocates are learning from AIDS activists how to work the system
Al's O.K., You're O.K.
America Abroad
Greece's Defense Seems Just Silly
Money Angles
The Dividends For Quitters
The Magistrate of Morals
There's a lot to criticize in grimy pop culture, but critic Michael Medved is the wrong man for the job
The Political Interest
Why Bush Welcomes Perot
Time Magazine Contents Page
October 12, 1992 Vol. 140 No. 15
Time Magazine Masthead
October 12, 1992 Vol. 140 No. 15
Atms for Ada
(The Week: Business)
Big Blue's Blues
(The Week: Business)
Another deep round of belt tightening is changing the shape of IBM
Through the Roof
A string of disasters is wreaking havoc on property-casualty insurers, but policyholders are the ones likely to pick up the tab
Trimming Frills At the Big Store
(The Week: Business)
Sears unloads sideline operations so it can concentrate on retailing
Diamonds Aren't Forever
Bootlegged stones from Angola and Russia are cutting out the De Beers cartel and threatening to subvert the value of the most precious of gems
Baroque Futurist To Jusepe de Ribera, "the Little Spaniard," realism was the violence of cruel images
Conventional Wisdom
(Reviews Books)
Experimental Time Trip
In his magical new album, jazz bassist and composer Charlie Haden evokes the film-noir mood of vintage Los Angeles in a musical-dream autobiography
Short Takes
Sweating Out Loud
(Reviews Cinema)
Trajectory To Martyrdom
(Reviews Music)
Winning Ticket
(Reviews Theater)
You'll Flip
(Reviews Books)
From the Publisher
(From The Publisher)
The Most Costly Addiction of All