Vol. 140 No. 12
Folklore in a Box
(Cover Stories)
Having It All
(Cover Stories)
Actress Candice Bergen leads a life that Murphy Brown could envy
Sitcom Politics
(Cover Stories)
As Murphy Brown prepares to zap Dan Quayle, TV draws fire for its 'liberal bias.' Do the charges have merit?
A Legacy of Contempt
As a former CIA officer awaits retrial, his case tells a cautionary tale about the agency's responsibilities to Congress
Banana Peels
Campaign Quiz
Et Cetera
(The Week: Nation)
Hawaiian Punch
Et Cetera
(The Week: Nation)
Playing Post Office
For The Man Who Has Everything
Four Days in Hell
(The Week: Nation)
A kidnapper pleads guilty to the brutal $18 million Exxon extortion scheme
Getting Down To Business
(The Week: Nation)
At last the race is focusing in on an issue voters care about: the economy
Heading for A Grilling
No Miracles Yet
(The U.S. Campaign)
The organization is tighter, the decisions come quicker, but Baker is still struggling to inject a much needed jolt into Bush's re-election campaign
Remember Ross?
The avowed noncandidate tantalizes supporters and worries rivals with hints of an October surprise
Sound Like Good Republicans to Me
Vox Pop
What Did Bush Know?
(The U.S. Campaign)
With Friends Like These ...
You Call That Nothing?
A Day in the Death of Somalia
Beefing Up the Bosnian Brigade
(The Week World)
Foreign troop commitments deepen after an unprotected U.N. convoy is attacked
Et Cetera
(The Week World)
The Nays Have It
Lose Some, Win Some
(The Week World)
Yeltsin gives Tokyo the cold shoulder but warms up to Taipei
Some Land for Peace
(The Week World)
Israel signals that it is ready to make a territorial deal with Syria
The Week World
(The Week World)
Violence In Ciskei
(The Week World)
Another South African bloodbath may force De Klerk and the A.N.C. to talk
Trouble At the Roots
New strains of a louse are chewing up California's finest vineyards, but that could lead to better wines someday
Et Cetera
(The Week Health & Science)
Fertility Fix-Up
Now It's Iron
(The Week Health & Science)
Too much of the metal could be a major factor in heart attacks
Transplant Trials
(The Week Health & Science)
The baboon liver did fine, it turns out. But the patient, now dead, had the AIDS virus
A League of Their Own
(The Week: Society)
Baseball's bosses are back in charge after Fay Vincent resigns
A Savage Story
Suburbia is not immune to the ugliest crimes, like this mother's death in a carjacking
Et Cetera
(The Week: Society)
Back on the Block
Et Cetera
(The Week: Society)
Over the Top
Play of The Week !
(The Week: Society)
A jury leaves N.F.L. players licking their chops, owners their wounds
Revenge of the "Orphans"
(The Week: Society)
Jerry Lewis fends off attacks from the disabled folks he has tried to serve
The Week Society
(The Week: Society)
The Week Society
(The Week: Society)
Is Jesus In the Dead Sea Scrolls?
Newly revealed texts offer tantalizing -- and controversial -- evidence on Christian origins
Pride Of Ownership
In a bid to regain the Kurile Islands, Japan dangles an economic lure, but Moscow is stymied by nationalists who cling to every last Soviet outpost
The Political Interest
The Lies of George and Bill
Time Magazine Contents
Page September 21, 1992 Vol. 140 No. 12
Time Magazine Masthead
September 21, 1992 Vol. 140 No. 12
Keep The Change
Automated toll systems promise to save time and money while reducing congestion and accidents
Et Cetera
(The Week: Business)
Families And Work
(The Week: Business)
Top companies launch a dependent-care program for employees
Muscle Card
(The Week: Business)
GM rolls out a fancy new credit card to help rebuild its auto sales
The Two Edges Of Andrew's Sword
(The Week: Business)
Unemployed workers flock to Florida for work, but the task is daunting
Can I Copy Your Homework -- and Represent You in Court?
A new breed of school tries to teach students about the adult world by re-creating society in the hallways -- complete with fake money, tax returns and a justice system
A Pair Of Kings
(Reviews Music)
Short Takes
Sleepwalking Into a Mess
(Reviews Cinema)
Teenage Werewolf
(Reviews Books)
The Enemy Within
(Reviews Books)
The Poker-Faced Enchanter
A retrospective of Rene Magritte proves that the great Belgian Surrealist's mind-wrenching visual puns and paradoxes still slice cleanly
The Joy of Being Whoopi
With a new movie and her own TV talk show starting this week, actor-comic Whoopi Goldberg has left the welfare rolls far behind
From the Publisher
(From The Publisher)
You Still Can't Have It All