Vol. 140 No. 2
Halt! Who Goes There?
(Cover Story)
The Last Eden
(Cover Story)
A trip into a remote African rain forest is a journey back in time to a world where the animals have never encountered humans. Will this treasure be preserved?
A Close Call
(The Week: Nation)
Despite restrictions, the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling is upheld
Abortion the Issue Bush Hopes Will Go Away
(U.S. Supreme Court)
But Clinton and Perot will try their best to lure pro-choice voters to their side
Blame It on the Bermuda Triangle
(U.S. Campaign)
Dallas On The Line
(U.S. Campaign)
As Perot's Texas headquarters attempts to win control of the crusade, many of the candidate's early supporters feel pushed aside
Et Cetera
(The Week: Nation)
No Surprise Yet
Inside the Court
(U.S. Supreme Court)
Justice Kennedy flipped positions to uphold abortion rights. Why did he change his mind?
Is Bush Losing the Numbers Game?
(The Week: Nation)
As the jobless figure goes up, his standing in the polls heads down
Judging Thomas
(U.S. Supreme Court)
Clarence Thomas disgusted civil rights activists with an obstreperous first year in which he let the world know just how conservative he could be
Never Put It in Writing
Not Quite the Big One
(The Week: Nation)
But the worst jolt in 40 years gives Californians a real scare
Put Up or Else
Read My Lips: No Test Ban
Reso's Last Days
(The Week: Nation)
How an $18.5 million kidnapping was botched from the start
State Of Suspense
(The Week: Nation)
Sacramento tries a Depression-era gimmick: IOUs to pay its bills
The Struggle Over Who Will Rebuild L.A.
Raising the money is only half the battle. South Central's blacks and Hispanics want an end to the practice of redlining and a stake in the action.
The Yo-Yo Has Landed
They're Not Liberals
This Sale Is a Mirage
Vox Pop
A Thin Ray of Hope
(The Week World)
In Sarajevo U.N. troops secure the airport to open the way for relief flights
Brother, Can You Spare a Ruble?
The capitalist revolution is bringing the plagues of poverty, homelessness and unemployment to Russians, who miss the safety net of the old system
Herd About Mongolia?
(The Week World)
The communists win in a landslide as nomadic democrats are cowed
The Dark Side of Spain's Fiesta
As Barcelona stages an Olympics and Seville a world's fair, Spain celebrates its comeback. But domestic discontent casts a pall on the party.
The Lady of the House
(The Week World)
We Are All Going to Die
(The Week World)
Algeria's President is killed just after uttering those words
An Officer, Not A Gentleman
(The Military)
Though the battle against sexism is now fully engaged, the war will be a long one
Saving Bosnia -- At What Price?
(The Balkans)
There is a moral case for intervention, but neither the U.S. nor Europe is ready to shoulder the military cost
A Life for a Life
(The Week Health & Science)
The first baboon-to-human liver transplant looks successful so far
Et Cetera
(The Week Health & Science)
Brittle Bones
Watch Out, Whales!
(The Week Health & Science)
Et Cetera
(The Week: Society)
Pyrrhic Victory?
Stop That Grunt!
(The Week: Society)
Is Monica Seles' most formidable weapon her racquet -- or her racket?
The Medicaid Grifters
(The Week: Society)
Operation Goldpill uncovers a massive prescription fraud
SI And Tina's Newest Act
By picking Vanity Fair's editor to head the New Yorker, S.I. Newhouse hopes to rejuvenate America's best unread magazine
The Political Interest
On TV, It's All Deja Vu
Time Magazine Contents Page July 13, 1992
Vol. 140 NO. 2
C'Est Non!
(The Week: Business)
The Pentagon nixes the sale of LTV to the French on secrecy grounds
Et Cetera
(The Week: Business)
Going Once, Going Twice . . .
Is This Bird a TURKEY?
A market in, yes, ostriches has taken off. But investors may be in for a hard landing.
Long Arm of The Law
(The Week: Business)
A top Saudi banker is indicted in the still simmering B.C.C.I. scandal
Maybe A Swan After All
(The Week: Business)
GM's Saturn, once scorned, gets high marks for quality
August Sonata
(Reviews Cinema)
Minding Their Q's and A's
(Reviews Television)
Reviews Short Takes
(Reviews Short Takes)
The Right Stuff About The Oval Office
(Reviews Books)
Bringing It All Back Home
Author and screenwriter Richard Price returned to his roots to write Clockers, an unblinking tale of black teenage cocaine dealers and the white cops who pursue them
From the Publisher
(From The Publisher)
Ross Perot and the Call-In Presidency