Vol. 140 No. 1
After the Awakening, the Real Therapy Must Begin
(Cover Stories)
Awakenings Schizophrenia a New Drug Brings Patients Back to Life
(Cover Stories)
They Are Tormented by demons and at times lost to reality. Now, after years of madness, some schizophrenia patients are being "awakened" by a costly new drug.
Depression the Growing Role of Drug Therapies
(Cover Stories)
As doctors learn more about the biology of mental illness, they are unlocking the mysteries of depression and creating a new science of the mind
Is Freud Finished?
(Cover Stories)
A Surprising Display Of Centrist Thinking
(The Week: Nation)
The Supreme Court shuns extremes in four major cases
Campaign Quiz
Cheers and Tears
(The Week)
Choppy Waters
(The Week: Nation)
The Navy's chief resigns over the Tailhook sex-abuse scandal
Good News for Shoe Shops
Here Comes the Judge
Lost In Space: Common Sense
News Of Their Own
No Signs of Life
(The Week: Nation)
Senate hearings draw a blank on proof that MIAs survive in Asia
Spelling Out The Job Specs
(Vice Presidents)
The next big challenge for both Clinton and Perot is selecting a running mate
Splinter, Splinter, Little State
Will the global drive toward self-determination produce a genuine new world order or chaos?
Vox Pop
What About Anastasia?
(The Week)
White & Wrong
New Klan, Old Hatred
Arms Control at Home
(The Week World)
Back from the U.S., Yeltsin finds ethnic battles raging everywhere
Breaking From The Hard Line
(The Week World)
Israelis turn out Shamir's Likud and its rigid policies on peace
Buthelezi: "I Have Never Orchestrated Violence"
(South Africa)
Enemies: Black vs. Black vs. White
(South Africa)
Negotiations should eventually resume, but De Klerk can save his reforms -- and the nation -- only if the bloody cycle of black violence is halted
Et Cetera
(The Week World)
Recount Call
Hold The Euphoria
Labor's victory could bring considerable new vigor to the Middle East peace negotiations, but reaching a solution is still a tough game
On The Edge of Disaster
(The Week World)
Talks in South Africa break down over the Boipatong bloodbath
Policy Or Ploy?
(The Week World)
If Libya is really changing course, Gaddafi might be doing the steering
Stamp of Approval?
(The Week World)
African Apocalypse
(The Week Health & Science)
AIDS could devastate the crowded continent within 20 years
And Stop Bleeding!
(The Week Health & Science)
A new sensor will spare diabetics those daily finger pricks
Oats: The Final Word?
(The Week Health & Science)
A major study finds that oat bran does indeed reduce cholesterol
The World Health Organization Estimates That
(The Week Health & Science)
Wait! Don't Cut!
(The Week Health & Science)
A new drug could save some men from prostate surgery
Et Cetera
(The Week: Society)
Press Sheiks
Help Is A Push Away
(The Week: Society)
A new device combats the spread of domestic violence
Tripped Up By Technology
(The Week: Society)
The alleged kidnappers of an Exxon man are foiled, and a body turns up
Finally Doing Right By Wright
After years of fuss and furor, the great but inhospitable Guggenheim gets a splendid overhaul
Operation Dig
The Political Interest Smart Idea
Time Magazine Contents
Page July 6, 1992 Vol. 140 No. 1
Time Magazine Masthead
July 6, 1992 Vol. 140 No. 1
Tricky George vs. Inspector Perot
The campaign heats up big-time as Bush and Perot start calling each other some nasty names
Back On Track
(The Week: Business)
A strike forces Congress to make the trains run on time
Chasing the American Dream
Two old-fashioned American inventors with a promising alternative to conventional fuels run up against bureaucracy, bad timing and a society unwilling to take risks
Et Cetera
(The Week: Business)
Not Guilty, But . . .
Et Cetera
(The Week: Business)
The Chairman Gets How Much?
Frequent Flyer Bonus
(The Week: Business)
The airlines settle a price-fixing suit with a $400 million deal
Styrofoam Blitz
(The Week: Business)
Wood shavings may offer relief from those pesky packing pellets
Do You Still Love Eddie?
Murphy's sweet sass made him the Elvis of comedy. Then he became the Elvis of infamy. Now he's back in a smart new romantic comedy -- if you'll have him.
Frowns of A Summer Night
(Reviews Television)
Nazism Uber Alles
(Reviews Books)
Pacino's Double Dare
(Reviews Theater)
(Reviews Books)
by Appointment
Short Takes
The Girls Of Summer
(Reviews Cinema)
"I Just Don't Want to Go"
Margarethe Cammermeyer, a decorated Army nurse who happens to be a lesbian, talks about sexual harassment and the ban against gays that is forcing her out of the military
From the Publisher
(From The Publisher)
Could Go The Asiatic Way