Monday, May. 18, 1992
By Sidney Urquhart
The Milwaukee judge who sentenced serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer to 15 consecutive life terms appears to be rushing from the bench to the word processor. According to a recent ad in Daily Variety, Laurence Gram's The Jeffrey Dahmer Case: A Judge's Perspective is in the works. And so is a film script titled The Jeffrey Dahmer Confessions, to be based on the judge's book but not written by him. "The judge doesn't want a horror picture per se," says agent Lew Breyer. "But I have written in one or two horror scenes that are horrific in describing one of the murders." While Gram says he will not pocket any profits from the book, New York University law professor Stephen Gillers points out that since judges are not bound by clear ethical ) guidelines, Gram "could keep every cent." Gillers, who teaches legal and judicial ethics, is "skeptical" of a sitting judge who might "view his or her docket as material for future popular exploitation."