Monday, May. 11, 1992
Here Comes the Really Big One
By Janice Castro
MAYBE IT'S THE THOUGHT OF ALL THOSE SOVIET REPUBLICS AND East European populations breaking away from hated governments. Californians will vote in next month's primary on a proposal to create political fault lines that would divide America's most populous state into two or even three states. Talk of secession is on the rise again across the U.S. Like those who want to subdivide California, many citizens in other states think they'd be better off without their big cities, high taxes or state governments. In Kansas, 10 southwestern counties hope that parts of neighboring Texas, Oklahoma and Colorado will join them in founding a 51st state. Since Kansans in the rebellious counties voted 9 to 1 in favor of the idea earlier this month, local officials have been working on a new constitution and planning a convention in September. Similar talk still festers from Alaska to the Michigan peninsula. Why bother throwing the rascals out when you can simply leave them behind?